I've rung around a few dealers. I've found one car I can get in November. I'm really pissed off that my original dealer wasn't able to get me one of the august ones given how long ago I put down a deposit. I've been told there a few arriving in august, and then the bulk will be later. Same story about the active displays.
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2017 - 7.5 R Wolfsburg Wagon
2010 - Audi Q5
I called my dealer for a more specific date for my standard R 7.5 and they said the first batch are in australia currently
Some good reviews of the 7.5 model coming out
2017 Volkswagen Golf 110TSI Highline review | CarAdvice
can someone please give me an idea on what price range i should aim for a fully optioned R 7.5 or you guys nego. for? maybe 63-65k?
Going to see some dealerships today and see if i can score one.
Last edited by outis; 09-07-2017 at 09:12 AM.
63k with Sunroof, DAP and 2 extra years factory warranty.
Current ride - Golf R 7.5 DAP, Sunroof, Dynaudio, DSG
Can anyone help with my Golf Gti facelift 2017 settings? I have the outer DRL and blinkers working, but not the inner ones. I see that there are bulbs inside the inner stripes but they for some reason are not illuminated.
I would like to make it work so that both DRL stripes are illuminated and also the inner blinker would blink.
Anyone knows how to do it already for the facelift?