That's how it is.
It's just a pressure sensor that they've decided would be cheaper to design the pipe for it to clip into, rather than use screws.
It's a concept they use on other models as well.
Hi everyone,
Not 100% on this, but had my car MY14 Golf 7 90TSI serviced yesterday. Just took a look under the bonnet to make sure there wasn't anything obviously out of place, and it would appear that a cap on one of the components is missing. Could someone have a look and tell me if there is normally a cap on this component, and if so, what it's called so I can get it back?
Thanks in advance for your help all!
That's how it is.
It's just a pressure sensor that they've decided would be cheaper to design the pipe for it to clip into, rather than use screws.
It's a concept they use on other models as well.
'07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
'01 Beetle 2.0
Yes, that's how they come.
Performance Tunes from $850Wrecking RS OCTAVIA 2 Link
Thanks everyone, I am suitably reassured .