How do I download POIs to the " root directory"? I'm using Win Zip with a Trannscend micro SD card.Please help.
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Thanks for this - confirmed that VW have no idea about this update. Managed to update both map and POI with zero issues.
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How do I download POIs to the " root directory"? I'm using Win Zip with a Trannscend micro SD card.Please help.
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Last edited by nardini2016; 09-12-2016 at 07:50 PM.
Hey, thanks for the updates and feedback from so many of you. Given the VAG and dealer attitude to customers it's awesome to see such an active community helping each other and remaining positive!
I have a 2015 Golf MK7 GTI and am doing the map upgrade again (MIB1 V2 SD card).
Are there any firmware updates for the base unit to provide improved responsiveness or say.... remotely correct pronunciation?
Also meant to ask..... is the POI download that was listed a few pages back able to be used on the MIB1 system at all, or is there one available that covers Brisbane? I find it pretty useless right now - even for hospitals and such.
Quick query before I go seeking VCDS assistance...
When I press "traffic" I simply get a blank page stating traffic reports 0 .... is this a sign that it is active and there are none, or that the system is not receiving / displaying them? I have TP and RDS switched on in the settings for radio and media (TP).
I'd love to see:
• Improved responsiveness
• Media Player doesn't jump to FM once a month when it decides the Media Unit in the glove box isn't responding in time
• Media Unit/Head Unit sleep function is more consistent. Turn off engine, wait 30 seconds, turn on radio for instant on. Repeat another day and entire system takes 30 seconds to 'wake up' after having been on 30 seconds ago.
• "Pay attention to Road" warning is more consistent. Drive to 5 places in one day, and have the warning pop up every time. Leave the car overnight and it doesn't pop up in the morning. It would be much nicer if it popped up once a month or less.
• MP3 Gain Tag support
Its no Tesla that's for sure.
I think improved responsiveness would need a high end unit like VWCentral sell. We only rated the one with a small processor here in Australia :/
2008 MkV Volkswagen Golf R32 DSG
2005 MkV Volkswagen Golf 2.0 FSI Auto
Sold: 2015 8V Audi S3 Sedan Manual
Sold: 2010 MkVI Volkswagen Golf GTI DSG
Thank you Adam. I will continue my hunt for VCDS assistance in my locality to fix this