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Thread: Maps and POIs for Discover Media

  1. #171
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    Interestingly my golf my 7 goes in Monday to have updated maps loaded with a new piece of equipment they have.
    Originally a full maps update was going to cost $178 which I wasn't keen on. As this came up during a service, on my customer feedback call, I mentioned that I believed when I bought the car, I thought it had free updates.

    Anyway, I get a call from service saying they will try applying updates without any mention of $. Will advise how it goes.
    Golf VII GTI MY 14 (Post my VI Adidas GTI being written off)

  2. #172
    Join Date
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    Out West,NSW
    I've got a v3 card and the 2016 maps work for me. I just replaced the existing files with the new ones. Traffic also works

  3. #173
    Join Date
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    Hey Guys,
    Just letting everyone know that my MIBI (v1) now has the latest 2016 ROW maps up and running! I'll review it all and find changes made by my local VW dealer and let everyone know what I find this weekend.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. #174
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    Details?! (As in, who did it, which dealer if it was a dealer, costs...)

    Looking forward to your report.
    Last edited by Eaglehawk; 15-04-2016 at 08:30 AM.

  5. #175
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    Just updated to v4 maps. Pretty straightforward in the end. I thought it was going to be much harder to do (especially as I use Macs).

    Sitting in the garage, it's hard to see what's changed and I only really use it when I'm out of mobile range and can't use Apple Maps but at least it's current and I didn't have to pay a Dealer to do it.
    MY08 Mk5 GT Sport - sold
    MY14 Tiguan 118TSI - sold (Mazda3 SP25GT in its place)
    MY16 Golf 7R: sold (Caterham Super 7 and Hyundai i30N in its place)

  6. #176
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    Don't suppose there is a change-log for V4, would be interesting to see what's new, or at least when the data was sourced. They used to do this for the RNS510.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    My16 Golf Alltrack, DAP
    MY18 Golf Comfortline

  7. #177
    Join Date
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    Okay here we go.
    V1 with ROW 2016 maps is still working! After hassling VW since my first service in 2014, talking to VW directly (email/phone and threats), there now seems to be a solution for V1!?
    After talking to my local VW Service Centre/Manager (Phil at North Shore VW), I have been informed that the issue may be something completely different than we all think (I stand corrected if this is not the case). Was informed that VW only activated MapCare on delivered VWs since after week 43 of 2013. MapCare is apparently required to be able to updated Navigation systems... And I think they have activated this feature now, apparently I was the guinea pig.
    I compared my admaps before (when originally bought) and after and could really only find three items that differ:
    VCID: 2757E22B5E7E2B061F-8072

    VCID: 2757E22B5E7E2B0CF4-8072

    Now the Coding differences are probably due to changes I have done since (haven't check them yet). The rest I am not sure about or what they mean, I am thinking my Navi now has new software SE37 vs SK37? VCID I believe is generated by VCDS, hence not applicable.

    Take care and have fun - comments welcome.

  8. #178
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    Errr...thank you!

    Now, from a person who's got a MY13 SatNAV MIB1 card sitting in the glove box for almost 3 years...should I now ask my local dealer for this fix, or are they going act clueless (like they have for the past 2 years) and deny anything exists and that forum posts "are for stupid people that trust the Internet as their car doctor"?

  9. #179
    Join Date
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    Hey Eaglehawk,
    that is a GOOD question. The way I would put it:
    "VW Customer Service has informed me that a fix for my navi has been released and is now ready for installation". If they still don't know, one could let them know that it requires mapcare activation so that the updates (the one you have already downloaded and put onto the SD card) work with the new ROW 2016 that was installed from Also one could say that my friend with an MK7 has it installed and working?

    I experienced that it only works if you go in person and ask for the Service Manager directly.

    Good luck...

  10. #180
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    I got a similar reply from the dealer. VWA released instructions on how to activate MapCare on the early cars.
    There is a unique code which activates MapCare in general for your VIN and after that you can either get the map updates done by the dealer during a service or you download them yourself. Basically you need to visit the dealer at least once to get it activated.

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