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Thread: Maps and POIs for Discover Media

  1. #161
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Quote Originally Posted by Flipper Dog View Post
    I may be wrong but I was under the impression that the downloaded maps you are looking at are only compatible with MIB1 units (the old one without App connect). Do you have the newer model with MIBII, if so that would be a MY16.
    I believe it's MIBII. How can you tell? I think the manual says Discover Media Generation 2.

  2. #162
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    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by kabnine View Post
    I have downloaded a 6 File Zip that has that file structure by mistake. Let me see if I can find the link.

    EDIT: I found it. Second set of 6 files lists Australia


    Won't guarantee that is it, but it has the same file structure.
    Thanks - will give it a shot and see what happens! Nothing to lose I suppose, can always just copy over my backup again.

  3. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by kabnine View Post
    I have downloaded a 6 File Zip that has that file structure by mistake. Let me see if I can find the link.

    EDIT: I found it. Second set of 6 files lists Australia


    Won't guarantee that is it, but it has the same file structure.
    Confirmed Australia map works for MIB2 - I have updated mine from v420(v3) to v521(v4)

  4. #164
    I have also checked on my MY16 GTI with the MIB2. It is all working properly. I have updated from v3 - v4.

  5. #165
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Sydney, Australia
    Success on MIBII from Map 2 V3 to Map 2 V4.
    PITA to extract once downloaded. Few upsetting words during the week but got there in the end. Note to young players who have not used 7-Zip before, watch the you tube instructions first.
    My POIs remained there, so no need to re-load them. Traffic works (if you have it enabled).
    Had a quick fly around to NZ and found some servos.
    Last edited by Flipper Dog; 06-02-2016 at 03:59 PM.
    Flipper Dog
    Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
    Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI

  6. #166
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    So it seems like the MIB1 and MIB2 uses very different file structures.

    MIB1 uses DBinfo.txt in the root folder, then market/AUS for map

    MIB2 just have "maps" folder in the root, then inside maps there are folders 21, 22, 23, 24, 27 and EEC.
    Last edited by DKC; 07-02-2016 at 05:11 PM.

  7. #167
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    Yes DKC I found the same, looking back at rpwolf's post (page 16 #157) and I was expecting a different file structure. When I downloaded and moved the files over to the SD card the files were simular to the old ones.
    All working well after todays drive. Need to find some new roads to see what changed.
    Flipper Dog
    Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
    Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI

  8. #168
    Join Date
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    Sydney, Australia
    So while looking around the net I came across some information in the UK on how many times you can use your SD card to load maps updates to. The UK region ones allow 7 uses, that is the 1st is the original map and you can load up to 6 updates over the life of that card before the need to purchase a replacement. Updates in the UK appear to be 6 monthly so you have 3 years of "free" updates.

    Does anyone know if the same applies to our region map updates? Do we also have 7 uses or is this limited in some way? I have not asked the VW (lack of) customer service, 1800 we don't give a hoot, but I hope that the brain trust out there may know the answer.

    At the end of the day I don't mine paying a reasonable price for updates. If Here maps are going to release 6 monthly updates and we can get 3 years of downloaded maps before buying a new SD card than I call that reasonable, but only if VW price that SD card into real world pricing ($50 to $150 mark). Has anyone priced a replacement?
    A walk next door to Audi and they want a map on a SD card for $600 and then the activation code another $180. Plus the dealer gets to do all the work for you at their hourly rates. Any you have to question why pirates sail the net.
    Last edited by Flipper Dog; 13-02-2016 at 08:31 AM.
    Flipper Dog
    Now - T-Roc R, Audi Q5
    Past VWs- T-Roc R-Line, Golf 6, 7 and 7.5, Touareg 7L and 7P, Passat B5.5, Polo MK3, Polo MK4 and GTI

  9. #169
    Join Date
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    Brisbane, QLD
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    When my Tig went in for it's first service last year, the dealer asked me if I wanted the maps done for $55, even though I retro-fitted the RNS and RVC myself. I said yes and in the process they finished off the VCDS coding I hadn't got around to doing without me asking!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    MY08 Mk5 GT Sport - sold
    MY14 Tiguan 118TSI - sold (Mazda3 SP25GT in its place)
    MY16 Golf 7R: sold (Caterham Super 7 and Hyundai i30N in its place)

  10. #170
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flipper Dog View Post
    So while looking around the net I came across some information in the UK on how many times you can use your SD card to load maps updates to. The UK region ones allow 7 uses, that is the 1st is the original map and you can load up to 6 updates over the life of that card before the need to purchase a replacement. Updates in the UK appear to be 6 monthly so you have 3 years of "free" updates.

    Does anyone know if the same applies to our region map updates? Do we also have 7 uses or is this limited in some way? I have not asked the VW (lack of) customer service, 1800 we don't give a hoot, but I hope that the brain trust out there may know the answer.
    Interesting question, I'd be interested to know if this applies to Australian maps?
    My16 Golf Alltrack, DAP
    MY18 Golf Comfortline

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