download the single file version from the link..worked for me
GOLF V GTI DSG Silver : On loan to parent until wife thinks I am a responsible driver
GOLF VI 118TSi DSG Silver Leaf
GOLF VII GTI pp : on negotiation
MY16 MK7 Golf GTI
- Manual - Sunroof - Folding Mirrors - Lock/Unlock Chirp - 4x Indicator Flash - Traffic - MK7.5 LED Tail Lights with Sweeping Indicators - Dynablink Sweeping mirror LEDs - White LED's on rear rego plate -
Hi Guys
Sorry for being a pain, i cant get the link to work.
have anyone tried updating for the Polos? IF so which one?
And the link for MIB1 takes me to a page that says choose from the left pane (err... no left pane?? ) and now its giving me an error message.
Is this update payable?
MY15 RED Polo GTI 6C - with DA Pack
I just had the same issue, but i eventually got around it. I can't work out exactly what the problem was but it was something to do with the region the website thinks you are in.
To get around it first of all go to GPS Navigation System | HERE |
Scroll to the very bottom and you'll see on the last line you can select Asia, click on that.
Once you select Asia it must install a cookie or something on your machine, try your original link again and it should now work.
It seems they've pulled the May 2016 update...??? Is that a bad sign? *
* I should qualify that I'm talking about the MIB1 345MB file that is now not "available".
Last edited by Eaglehawk; 17-06-2016 at 05:40 PM.
was there last night one second, then refresh and its gone. Maybe, there is a time limit on how long a vehicle is supported. Or maybe there are problems with the update so they pull it.
GOLF V GTI DSG Silver : On loan to parent until wife thinks I am a responsible driver
GOLF VI 118TSi DSG Silver Leaf
GOLF VII GTI pp : on negotiation
According to an email a few minutes ago, VWA are offering a free map update with any paid service for the first five years (just when I finally got the online update to work...)
The new one still isn't up to date — checked and the Koo-Wee-Rup bypass isn't on it.
Has been open for quite a while.
Quite right, it shouldn't.
I've been trying since mid-2014 — have been fobbed off regularly, even though updates became available for later versions of the same hardware.
That's what happens when really useful gadgets become a sales gimmick and prospective cash cow.
Having had a service end of February, I don't wish to wait til next February for the update! Will be travelling soon, so will try sooner, thank you very much. And take the May 2016 maps in with me on a thumb drive in case.
Last edited by adhock; 16-06-2016 at 08:46 PM. Reason: typo noticed