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Thread: Keeping DLRs on (not winking when indicating)

  1. #1
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    Keeping DLRs on (not winking when indicating)

    Has anyone in Oz done this tweak? The VCDS link is to VWVortex and I could only find North Americans having done it. Is it legal here? I am going to have a few tweaks done shortly and thought I might include it.

    2015 Golf 110Tdi Highline -Tungsten Silver, OEM Towbar, Pirelli P7s

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by knightsy View Post
    Has anyone in Oz done this tweak? The VCDS link is to VWVortex and I could only find North Americans having done it. Is it legal here? I am going to have a few tweaks done shortly and thought I might include it.

    knightsy: Hi and congratulations on your (imminent) new car. I'm not sure if anyone in OZ has done the tweak and I'm equally unsure of the legality of your change, but it isn't difficult to do what you want (IMO).

    I can tell you how it's done for my 103 TSI (incandescent DRLs), but I suggest that you first make an adaptation map of the BCM on your new car (when you get it) and compare your default settings with mine.

    OK , the Leuchte channel-sets that control the DRLs are
    • Left DRL - Leuchte4TFL LB4
    • Right DRL - Leuchte5 TFL RB32

    On the Aussie version of the Highline (ROW model), the DRLs perform the following 4 x functions
    • Normal DRL
    • DRL Wink
    • Parking Lights
    • DRL Single Side Park

    I've shown below the complete Leuchte-set for the two DRLs (on an Aussie 103TSI) and I've also Identified which Aplha-channels have been programmed to perform each of these four functions:

    So if you want to disable DRL Wink, you simply change
    ( 8 )-Leuchte4TFL LB4-Lichtfunktion C 4 and ( 8 )-Leuchte5 TFL RB32-Lichtfunktion C 5 to not active - and DRL Wink is gone (it's that easy)! Because there will be no "active" function in the Leuchte sub-set once you have made this change, there is no need to alter the association dimming channels - so you can leave adaptation channels (10) & (11) as they are.


    PS: coincidentally, I've just been working with a colleague on a well-known US forum in developing a tweak where we have turned DRL "Wink" into DRL "Blink"! This is a tweak where the DRL blinks together with the turn signal (instead of turning-off) on the chosen side of the car (or, on both sides of the car if the safety flashers are engaged). Looks real cool, but I'm not sure how legal it is (both in the USA under their Fereral DoT rules, or down here under our own ADRs). I haven't included the tweak instructions on this forum for this reason
    Last edited by DV52; 12-09-2015 at 03:09 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #3
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    Thanks DV52. I actually have my car; got it in March. Just love it. I am getting waving external rear view mirrors fitted and so I thought, while they are doing some VCDS stuff, they may as well do a few other things. I am having a VW service mob here in Canberra (not VWA) do it. I am a bit mechanical but I could not bring myself to dealing with the lovely door liners. So the $300 odd for the cable etc is going towards the labour costs.
    2015 Golf 110Tdi Highline -Tungsten Silver, OEM Towbar, Pirelli P7s

  4. #4
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    It is apparently illegal to disable safety things that are installed at the factory. Has been discussed before and said that they should not be turned off.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
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  5. #5
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    I'm pretty sure there's something in the ADRs about it.

    I'd imagine the DRL and indicator being illuminated at the same time in the same light assembly, would make the indicator harder to see by other motorists. Which is pretty much the point of their existance anyway.
    '07 Transporter 1.9 TDI
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hillbilly View Post
    It is apparently illegal to disable safety things that are installed at the factory. Has been discussed before and said that they should not be turned off.
    hillbilly: Hi - long time no hear. IMO, you are 100% correct that DRLs (if fitted) should not be turned-off as a legislative requirement of the ADR!

    But the sublime irony in this case is that knightsy wants to do the exact opposite! He/she wants to disable DRL wink which will have the effect of keeping the DRL switched-on (not switched-off) on the side where the indicator is operating.

    I've had a quick look at the ADR and I defy anyone to find the concept of DRL wink in the document - let alone any mention of disabling this unique facility. Fact is that the ADR doesn't contemplate such a facility (IMO)

    Also, if you look at the way that VW have programmed the Leuchte-set for the DRLs in the Aussie Golf R and the Aussie 110TDI in my spreadsheet ( from the VCDS Tweak Reference thread), you won't find a DRL wink. So it seems that in Australia, the wink is not necessary under the ADR (IMO)

    Quote Originally Posted by Umai Naa!! View Post
    I'm pretty sure there's something in the ADRs about it.

    I'd imagine the DRL and indicator being illuminated at the same time in the same light assembly, would make the indicator harder to see by other motorists. Which is pretty much the point of their existance anyway.
    Umai Naa : If you are referring to DRL wink, I'm not sure that this is the case (apology for the counter view) - there are lots of cars that keep the DRL illuminated when the indicator blinks (in the same fitting).
    In the case of DRL Blink, then it could be argued that having the DRL strobing in unison with the blinker actually helps in highlighting the turn signal
    Last edited by DV52; 13-09-2015 at 12:16 AM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    hillbilly: Hi - long time no hear. IMO, you are 100% correct that DRLs (if fitted) should not be turned-off as a legislative requirement of the ADR!

    But the sublime irony in this case is that knightsy wants to do the exact opposite! He/she wants to disable DRL wink which will have the effect of keeping the DRL switched-on (not switched-off) on the side where the indicator is operating.

    I've had a quick look at the ADR and I defy anyone to find the concept of DRL wink in the document - let alone any mention of disabling this unique facility. Fact is that the ADR doesn't contemplate such a facility (IMO)

    Also, if you look at the way that VW have programmed the Leuchte-set for the DRLs in the Aussie Golf R and the Aussie 110TDI in my spreadsheet ( from the VCDS Tweak Reference thread), you won't find a DRL wink. So it seems that in Australia, the wink is not necessary under the ADR (IMO)

    Umai Naa : If you are referring to DRL wink, I'm not sure that this is the case (apology for the counter view) - there are lots of cars that keep the DRL illuminated when the indicator blinks (in the same fitting).
    In the case of DRL Blink, then it could be argued that having the DRL strobing in unison with the blinker actually helps in highlighting the turn signal
    LOL I shall go back to sleep and enhance my reading skills.
    2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
    Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan

  8. #8
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    Thanks Don. I think I will do it.

    2015 Golf 110Tdi Highline -Tungsten Silver, OEM Towbar, Pirelli P7s

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