Originally Posted by
What I'm seeing, however, is that with the car running ODBEleven is only reporting 12V. Even with the dying battery last night, after a jump start, it was reading 14.4V
Concerning? or needs a drive for the ECU to work itself out
@minke: Hi.
It's normal behavior and lots of folk tend to do it - but my suggestion is that unless you are reading a good quality multi-meter DON'T BELIEVE voltage readings!!
Don't get me wrong - I'm not suggesting that OBD11 is an inferior diagnostic device - it isn't!! In fact OBD11 has become my preferred device since I deliberately stopped participating on the Ross-Tech forum because I could not support Uwe Ross'e ultra right-wing stance on US gun culture (the Ross-Tech web-site banner now includes crossed-rifles against a USA flag - see below)!!
I'm not sure if you are aware of an electrical construct called "VD" (Voltage Drop - not the sexual disease). Particularly on a car - voltage can vary dramatically depending on where on the many meters of wiring the measurement is taken. \
For OBD11, the voltage measurement is made via a pin on the OBD socket that the dongle plugs into. Electrically, this is a far distance from the battery itself - so VD becomes a binding factor and it's the reason for OBD11's "low" voltage reading!
If you are annoyed by the low reading - you can "calibrate" the OBD11 voltage measurement. But this adjustment can ONLY be done with the OBD11 Android version software (it's NOT possible with the iOS version software).
If you want to make this adjustment - do this:
- Measure the battery rail voltage with a good quality multi-meter
- Fire-up OBD11 Android software and connect to the car's CAN network
- On the Home screen - click-on the 4 x parallel lines on the upper left-side of the screen
- Select Settings
- Scroll-down to Device
- Select Voltage Calibrate
- Enter the voltage reading in Step 1 and press OK

PS:to explain my position - I have no problem with Uwe Ross's personal stance on US gun culture - he is a American citizen and he is entitled to his 2nd amendment rights as are ALL US citizens!
However, I do reject entirely Ross-Tech forum's censorship of counter views when discussing possible solutions to the unbelievable acceptance of the massacre of innocent American school children (which appears now to be the norm)!
The Ross-Tech forum is a public forum and having alternative views about gun control does NOT constitute an offense subject to the moderator's censorship!!
"Patriots" scare the bejesus out of me!!
Last edited by DV52; 24-03-2024 at 08:49 AM.
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