I am yet to find any user info or reviews on this particular sized 73MM comp cooler .. so i literally am the guinea pig for the world to see on this item.... all i know is it has the same spec / build dimensions as the WT 70mm cooler but the larger inlet /outlet... figuring it was some prototype / test cast from WT now being pumped out from china.. and is nearly similar weight (8.xkg WANGER vs 9.2kg WT *CLAIMED) may be the same after converted into pounds depending on equation used... or maybe i got them mixed up.. either way it was pretty close when i did the scales.
ill probably get a bluetooth / phone ap for the JB4 to measure cooling temps if it has that feature.... otherwise i might log it off the computer... need to look into whats best.
personally, im keen to see how the car drives with 73mm inlets and the bigger tank compared to the 60mm oem inlets.. there may be some turbo lag but hopefully not according to a few reports the is38 has enough power / pressure to fill the larger tank without lag and the larger inlet / outlet diameter helps alot with temps and pressure drop / flow.... Giving me optimum flow in the IC for up to approx 7OOish HP at the engine (probably will never reach that) where as the ICs with smaller inlet / outlets max out with optimum flow at around 500hp..