The official response from the dealer is below with regards to the 1500K service.
The 1500km service is a complimentary inspection offered by Nepean Motor Group. (Checking lights, levels n pressures)
It is believed to provide you some time to drive the vehicle and identify concerns giving the driver/dealership an opportunity to rectify them without feeling as though you need to wait til the 12mnth/15,000km service.
We also recognise the purchase/experience of a taking delivery of a new car can be overwhelming and the explanation of some functions or featutes can go missed so provides further opportunity to go through some of those if desired.
I can confirm that there are no filters or fluids that require replacement at this time and it is actually recommended by the manufacturer that the oil in your vehicle not be changed prior to the recommended 12mnth/15,000km Service interval.
Please be aware that your vehicle may use some oil during this first service period. This is completely normal and as a valued NMG customer we offer a complimentary oil top up should it be required.
Gotta be happy with that, overall I've been very happy with my experience from NMG