Can anyone explain how to invoke the overboost function? I have read around the place that you simply push the pedal all the way and it should kick in from 3rd and above in 10 second bursts but according to the performance interface the car appears governed never to overboost beyond 195kw?
Has anyone actually seen there 40ED performance interface go over 195kw? If so do you have a picture to share?
Thanks for responding, I kinda feel gipped with all the overboost function talk and no one actually having been able to invoke it. Does anyone have contacts into VW? Can we try and get some sort of dialogue happening on this topic with the manufacturer?
I don't think you should stress over it. The CS has been measured on the dyno and makes 290-300bhp with the over-boost ON (I have a couple of CS dyno graphs if you're interested and they are all above 290) but even then the gauges were showing 195kw according to the guys that did the measurement so not to worry.
It's an inaccurate indication anyway (the one about power) it's not directly measured as, say, the boost pressure.
Hi, does anyone know where I can get the front lip for the GTI 40 years? Just the black bit on the bottom of the front bumper.
I have a really steep driveway and always scrape the bottom of it.
Just wanted to know the cost to replace and where I can get one.
Here's one just full throttle and overboost on I suppose:
And another one with overboost on (continuous) and off (dotted) plots from Burger Motorsports, the difference is less than expected between on and off:
Why not check with few dealers to find out the price and compare or get it patch up and respray.
Cheers Ringo for the share of intel!!! Would have been nice to have an performance interface that reflects what is actually being captured!!!
Now for a science question for the privy machine heads -> 3rd gear flat to the floor from lower entry revs and speed for maximised torque and output OR enter into the 3rd with as much air intake as possible so redlining 1st and 2nd to get the respective overboost function to invoke?
If you mean how to invoke it, I think the only condition is foot hard down as if you're trying to punch a hole through the footwell (which feels bad actually) and that's it (provided you're in 3rd gear), OB should kick in in both cases.
I tend to avoid the low revs scenario as its harder on the turbo and clutch (old habits) and try to request the power more linearly from earlier gears. I also try to avoid short shifting around 5K with foot down for the same reason (clutch) but the exhaust pops at exactly this condition is so tempting...