Looks good.
My dealer marked up my car too, what products did you use?
In a bid to correct the swirl marks left on the bonnet and roof of my 40ED by the dealerand to generally get to know my car more intimately I spent 3 1/2 hours last night detailing her. Thanks to the advice from Pierre and the team at Car Care Products (Sydney) I can report that I was able to remove pretty much every mark on the car and am extremely happy with the results especially seeing as it was the first time I had clay barred a car. Unfortunately the photos from my iPhone make it look very pink than the red it is.
Last edited by Cruiser; 30-09-2016 at 12:33 PM.
Looks good.
My dealer marked up my car too, what products did you use?
I used the mint all purpose cleaner first to remove the dealer polish and everything else then used the dodo juice clay bar and born slippy clay bar lubricant to remove any other contaminants which made the surface super slick, I then used the Duragloss 601 polish bonding agent which gets applied and not buffed then applied the Duragloss 105 total performance polish and buffed until it became super shiny, very happy with the result.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great job Cruiser. Looks....mint
I've yet to do mine, even though I had all the gear before I got the car. Though I must say my dealer did not damage anything or leave marks all over the car.
Current drive:2016 Golf GTI 40 Years in Pure White
I've got mine booked for full paint correction check & opti-coat at Reflect Effect next week. Will also be doing window tints at the same time.
Can't wait... I was driving again last night (randomly drove to Engadine.. because why not...) and felt a little 'naked' without tints!
Picked mine up from "Definitive Car Detailing" today. I told my dealership to NOT machine polish my car, so no blemishes aside from some glue residue.
I opted for "Brila" on the paintwork and rims/calipers and Opti-coat products for the rest of the interior,door-jams, glass & engine-bay. Also put some PPF on the B-pillars and Headlights to stop swirl marks/scratches. Now it looks ultra clean and shiny, better than when I picked it up from the dealer.
Picked up my gti40 yesterday - I was not prepared for how light the clutch is! Also oil temp runs over 100c - which seems hotter than my previous mk6 when it was stock - I assume it's normal and prevents the oil bunking up with unburnt fuel and other such deposits?
MK7 Golf GTI 40 Years | Carbon | Manual | Current
Hi there xssiiv. Yes it was correctly fitted and version 2. The vibrations were minor, mostly occurred during start and inititial acceleration. Although only minor, I felt it took away part of the beautiful smoothness of the car so that's why I had it removed. It probably wouldn't bother most people.
White MY17 Golf 7R with DSG and DAP.