Hello everyone,
In order to attract a larger crowd, hence, a better discount. I will be creating a new thread on the MK7 Forum. Please refer to that thread for further updates.
Hello everyone,
In order to attract a larger crowd, hence, a better discount. I will be creating a new thread on the MK7 Forum. Please refer to that thread for further updates.
Link to the Group Buy Thread
So something strange happened to me today. I was getting my car coated with ceramic pro and interior protection. Anyway so after the guy finishes, he mentions to me that did I realise that I only have the GTI badge (the one next to the front wheel arch) on one side of the car. I was like no, can't believe that I didn't spot this. So I don't suppose anyone else has had this happen to them?
According to this article there has only been 235 of the ED40 sold so far, I'm a bit surprised by this unless there is still a few to arrive in the country. What is Australia’s favourite hot hatch?
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Going by that we haven't even hit the 50% mark yet, and Golf R leads in front by a mile. ED40 not doing so great, my thoughts are ppl just want the R but don't really consider the performance factors. Also might I say you can't test drive or even see that many ED40's, dealers are just so stand offish on letting any blow joe test drive em.
On another note I saw my first Clubsport on the streets today. Sydney Hills area. Charcoal and God I had to second guess as it zoomed passed.
Last edited by Bassik; 11-09-2016 at 09:18 PM.
GOLF GTI MY11 ADIDAS Candy White, Sunroof
GOLF GTI 40th ED, White with Sunroof
Was about to go out till I remembered I have 100+ pics of the car already, there should be at least one from each side. And yes, I have the GTI badge left and right.
NSNO: Most strange that you miss one, although it would be a motivation for me to remove the rest. I honestly look the car looks so different and special that the GTI badges spoil the fun. Everybody is "oh niceee... which VW is this??" at the beginning, then they spot a GTI badge and they are "oh it's the GTI, ok I know that". And then you have to go no, you don't... GTI's aren't so handsome silly, this is a different version, yeah I know it says GTI but... blah blah blah... Happened to me a few times already
I think a debadged Clubsport would look the business and totally like a mystery Golf...
I think a factor is that the dealers are not prepared to talk deals on them and no corporate discounts applicable to them. Puts them smack bang in the price range of the R with the discounts available on them. You would really have to want the special bits of the limited edition to go that way - which lots of folks have for sure, and that's good.
Hopefully there are enough enthusiasts wanting them that they all sell very quickly, otherwise there is a risk that the dealers will discount them if they are left with a number of them unsold. I have seen this before in other brands where special edition variants are hyped up for a release, n discounts on offer for the enthusiast early adopters. Then when there are a bunch left and the floor plan run out, or whatever, they gut them to get them sold. Makes it a double whammy for the buyer of the special edition, as someone coming along later buys the same car that you couldn't get any discount on, for much less. Bugger...
Hopefully VW know their customer base better, and have brought in just enough to satisfy (or better still, not quite enough to satisfy...) the demand for the LE model. Keeps the values up then for all buyers.
It will be very interesting to see how quickly the manuals sell, as you'd have to think it was THE one to get for this car. Be a special drive with the mechanical LSD on board!!