I've got delivery details for everyone except
- Point (V2)
- Dux (V2)
- Flipper (GTI)
Please refer to post #50 for a summary of each person's order. No issue if you change your mind about shipping preference, just apy the appropriate amount and let me know so I can update Mark.
I will send through the order form now but let me know of any amendments and I can forward them.
Payment instructions:
In order to pay you need to create a PayPal account. Then when you make a payment, the email is hua_chen2007@hotmail.com
No other details are needed, as this is linked to WPlamps account and the rest is processed by PayPal.
EMS: $US619
FedEx: $US648
PLEASE NOTE: THEY WILL ONLY ACCEPT USD - The currency can be selected when you make your payment
Please PM me when you pay and the amount just so we have a record in case there are any issues. As much as these guys have been reliable in the past, I don't want us to get caught out.
Last edited by couchmotorist; 21-07-2014 at 03:13 PM.
Mk7 GTI | Pure White | 6MT