Golf R 7.5 built August 2018. Insectscreen fitted 15/2/2019.
Remove top grille (see separatedocument)
Use black "Pet Screen" mesh.It is fibreglass coated with plastic. Bugs either drop off theplastic coat of the mesh or wash off pretty easily.
Have two pieces 39 inches by 26 inchesand trim as per diagram to make two mirror images. Mark one "left"up near what will be the top.
Drop the left piece fully down behindand up against the bumper and grille and arrange the lower left meshneatly to curve around about an inch behind the grille where it isfilled in.
Two black cable ties will go throughthe mesh and secure it to the grille. The lower tie goes through themesh and around the the uppermost part of the lowest first-from-the-left vertical of the grille where it is virtually out of sight.Mark the mesh through the bumper where you will make two holes aboutthree quarters of an inch apart to thread the tie through.
The upper tie goes through the mesh andaround the the uppermost part of the first-from -the-left vertical ofthe grille (just under the bumper) where it is virtually out ofsight. Mark the mesh through the bumper where you will make two holesto thread the tie through.
Another tie goes behind and through themesh and secures around the lowest grille vertical just left ofcenter. Ensure the mesh is still arranged to the left and smooth outacross towards the center and mark where the tie holes will go.
Pull out the left mesh, lay itcompletely over the "right" and make the holes for theties. Insert the ties from the back so the ends will poke forwardthrough the grill when you slip the mesh into place. Slip the meshin, arrange roughly in place, and tighten the ties. HINT .... ifyou wish to put your hand down behind the mesh, put a biy of paperagainst the radiator to protect it and the back of your hand.
Insert and fasten the other bit ofmesh.
Overlap the pieces at the center andpull them up to leave an air space away from the radiator. Fastenboth pieces behind the lowest part of the vertical bar.
The top edges of the pieces can beslipped over the top of the radiator and further in over the airconditioner heat exchanger.
If you drive so fast that bugs get pastthe center overlap either slow down (or join the pieces somehow.
Rember to re-attach the radar socketwhen re-fitting the top grille.
I plan to mesh the coolers at each endof the grille next.
I have used this mesh method on twoprevious cars, driven at 110 Km.p.h. at 40 degree Celsius for largedistances with no signs of stressing their cooling systems. I figurethe makers allow a margin for radiators clogged with a certain numberof bugs.
What's the last thing that goes througha bug's mind when it splatters on your windscreen? It's arse!
cars (chronological) Morris850, Morris Mini DeLuxe, Cooper S, Mazda 1500SS, hard times so some old Holden, old Falcon Ute, better times so second hand Lotus Elan +2 (6 weeks, hopelessly unreliable) Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, second hand Datsun 260Z + 2 auto, Mitsubishi Cordia Turbo, Nissan 200SX turbo auto for 20 years(wonderful car burning ZERO oil after 200,000km & no problems when sold.. should have kept it), Toyota GTS 86 auto, now Golf R Mk 7.5 DSG built Aug2018, white.