Greg: Very astute observation -that might explain why I have to keep getting into the passenger side to drive the car!
Seriously, whilst I consider myself to be somewhat of a "newby" where ODB2 protocols are concerned, my deeply held suspicion is that there is a hierachy of "tick" marks in the structure of the Golf's software. There are many folk on here that know a lot more about this stuff than do I, so it's entirely possible that I'm incorrect in my thinking.
Anyhow, in respect of your observation, I suspect that the entry for RH drive in the engine controller (my previous pic) is subserviant to the over-riding entry in the "Central Electronics controller". I've inclosed below a copy of the entry for the first byte of the "Elect.Cont" which clearly indicates where my steering wheel should be.
I had a look at the towbar on Kevin_67 's post. It looks interesting in that it appears to have a detachable tongue (wouldn't it be great if we all had one of these?). A detachable tongue seems to be a good idea because there is no risk of inadvertantly knocking your leg on the tow bar. However, I'm not sure if the tongue will rattle when it is attached. The good thing about the HR towbar is that everything is screwed together, so no rattles. But it's easy to knock your leg into the tongue if you're not careful. The other great thing about the HR towbar (for me at least) is that it is a "standard" fitting tongue which meant that the modifications that I made to fit my bike rack were quite simple. But I acknowledge that these issues might not be so important to others.