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Thread: Golf 103tsi MK7, Apply Brake msg and then Limp mode

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Canberra, ACT

    Golf 103tsi MK7, Apply Brake msg and then Limp mode

    Golf 103tsi Highline MK7, 2015, 82000km
    Hi, I am having an issue with the car going in to limp mode, anyone had something similar?

    From a cold start, I start driving 1-2 minutes and a dash message comes up 'BRAKE NOW'.
    When I apply the brake, the car goes into a LIMP mode, unable to accelerate after brake is applied.
    I then have to put car into Park, turn off the car and turn back on. This clears the issue, and I can drive on.
    This is starting to happen about once a week.

    I have read similar stories that it may be the Mechatronics unit that needs replacing. Any experiences with this? Does anyone know what the cost is to replace the Mechatronics unit? Or has anyone had any luck getting Volkswagen Australia to replace it out of warranty at a reduced cost?

    I was trying to NOT go to the dealer and go to a reputable VW shop here in Canberra but if there is a possibility of getting a reduced out of warranty price from VW Australia, then I guess I will risk it with going to an overpriced dealer.

    Here is the scan report:
    Raw code: 002A20
    ECU: 02. Transmission control unit[Archive (inactive)]
    Status: Confirmed, Test not completed during this operation cycle
    Status bits: 1
    Priority: 0
    Frequency: 3
    Unlearning index: 255
    Odometer: 82521 km
    Date, time: 2023.01.09 08:51:22
    Raw code: 002A21
    ECU: 02. Transmission control unit[Archive (inactive)]
    Status: Confirmed, Test not completed during this operation cycle
    Status bits: 1
    Priority: 0
    Frequency: 5
    Unlearning index: 255
    Odometer: 82551 km
    Date, time: 2023.01.10 11:08:35

    Thanks in advance
    Last edited by maaachine; 11-01-2023 at 07:56 AM.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    So I took the car to local dealer and they have diagnosed what I suspected, mechatronics unit requires replacement…quoted $3950.

    I have asked to apply for goodwill assistance from VWA citing regular servicing, low kms at 82500 and loyal VW customer having had a few VW cars all registered with VWA.

    See what happens, fingers crossed.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    VWA got back to me and Goodwill request denied. What a joke. This is a manufacturing issue and as I look at forums, it is an issue that has been reported many times. I would have been happy with any assistance from VWA, but nothing.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
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    Many factors go in to determining whether VW will help with a goodwill contribution. Things like how many owners has the vehicle had prior to you, how old is it (how far out of warranty), what is the actual service record (with a VW dealer or with an aftermarket workshop - in which case it cannot be verified)...among others...

    Goodwill contributions do happen - but it will depend on individual circumstances.

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