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Thread: FM station presents not being saved

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Sydney NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Thanks for the confirmation Don. The unit turns back on with the "Welcome to Volkswagen" message with the VW and R logos but the unit will still not save the FM stations when it is turned back on.

    It will save the stations if you turn it off momentarily then on but if you leave the car then come back a little later the presets will be gone.

    This procedure hasn't cleared the others settings either, which is strange.

    The MIB was retrofitted and installed by a VW dealer and was arranged by the previous owner. I think the hardware was supplied by Euro Car Upgrades/JKU.

    Everything works seamlessly (as far as I can tell) , the navigation, the CD player, the radio (!), media player with SC card (I just found out it can play music in the FLAC format, which is great ), voice control (although I haven't full tested it), the feed through to the multi function display between the speedo and tacho, and the reverse camera. The unit responds to the steering wheels controls.

    I don't have access to any diagnostic cables etc. I never get any error messages on the screen through.

    As I have this issue, as well the the inability to updates the maps and install my own POI's (even though I've read of the threads and the instructions on this forum and - who still haven't activated my membership ) it seems like the unit is locked from any changes being made.

    I was thinking of going to a VW dealer but the car is not due for a service for quite some time, and I'm worried that they will rip me off and/or not be able to fix everything, depending on the knowledge of the particular dealer, as some are worse than others etc. Judging from some posts, the dealer may not charge much or anything if they are doing a regular service on the car.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with paying someone if need be to sort this stuff out, as long as I don't get charged something ridiculous.

    Do Euro Car Upgrades have an agent in Sydney? If not, can anyone recommend someone in Sydney that I can take it to to have a look?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Sydney NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    My infotainment unit is schizophrenic.

    After all this time, the radio stations are now saved. I toggled a couple of infotainment settings via my OBD11 that to my mind did not seem related to this issue and it somehow has fixed my problem....

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