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Thread: Fitting Folding Mirrors to the Mk7 Golf

  1. #31
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    I don't believe so but could not be sure...... need accesss to ETKA to check but I don't have it .... I managed to find someone on ebay that had these for sale for 100 delivered for both controllers. Waiting for those to arrive.
    Last edited by peekay34; 17-12-2014 at 08:08 PM.

  2. #32
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    Mirrors are on order with correct part numbers..... so not long now

  3. #33
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    I have done this on 7R, don't need controllers or any wiring changes, just coding. Here are the part numbers.

    Left Mirror 5G2 857 507 CA 9B9
    Right Mirror 5G2 857 508 AJ 9B9
    Switch 5G0 959 565 AA ICX

    Unsure if GTI and lower require controllers, these are probably the correct ones. Unsure if wiring changes are required however i don't think they would be needed.

    Drivers Door Controller 5Q0 959 593 B Z0G
    Passenger Door Controller 5Q0 959 593 B Z0G

  4. #34
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    Those are the Base Part numbers for all the controllers, what matters is the code after 593 B, 592 B.

    For Folding you need Z0T version, non folding is Z0F. Now the problem was that I didn't see this actually printed on the controllers at all on the ones that came in my 7R so i don't know how to tell. at least in mk5 golf it wouldn't accept the +4096 required for coding however from research all controllers in 7R will accept mirror folding coding whether it supports the feature or not.

    Quote Originally Posted by DV52 View Post
    Peekay: Arhh .. that's much better!! Thanks for sending the document. It seems from the wiring diagrams that I posted earlier that the critical connector on the door module for the fold-in facility is T16a I've decoded the German for the 16 Pin connector on your document. The results are enclosed below

    From what I can tell, the door controller models "FA Max" and "BF Max" appear to have compatible pin assignments with my wiring diagram. This being the case, am I right in suggesting that the correct part numbers for the door modules for fold-in mirrors are:

    Driver's Door :FA Max - 5Q0.959.593.B (this aligns with the part number on your pic above)
    Passenger Door:BF Max - 5Q0.959.592.B

    The part numbers for the door controllers on my car are:
    Driver's Door :5Q4.959.593
    Passenger Door: 5Q4.959.592
    Can you advise if these are compatible with fold-in mirrors?

  5. #35
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    Hi I am pretty sure the part numbers are the same I ordered (don't have the paper work). The controllers are a back up only just in case. It is weird that VW don't label the controllers with the information above...but hope I have the correct ones. I should hope they arrive maybe next week as they had to come from Germany. The cost to buy them at trade was not much difference than that of oemvwshop but that site seems to have disappeared just checked again and is back...... I have the switch already in preparation
    Last edited by peekay34; 06-01-2015 at 05:06 PM.

  6. #36
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    Hey Peekay, good luck with this, make sure you post a vid on you tube/instructions for the rest of us if it works as it is a handy mod

    Booba, to clarify you have the folder mirrors working, have you set out the steps etc cheers

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by booba View Post

    Those are the Base Part numbers for all the controllers, what matters is the code after 593 B, 592 B.

    For Folding you need Z0T version, non folding is Z0F. Now the problem was that I didn't see this actually printed on the controllers at all on the ones that came in my 7R so i don't know how to tell. at least in mk5 golf it wouldn't accept the +4096 required for coding however from research all controllers in 7R will accept mirror folding coding whether it supports the feature or not.
    Booba: thanks for the additional piece of information. Regarding your dilemma about how to tell whether you have ZOT, or ZOF version modules, doesn't the pin-out give you an indication. For example, if you look at your current modules (notwithstanding that you don't currently have fold-in mirrors) and then see if any of the pins are populated according to my pin-pout diagram (which is really from peekay's document
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  8. #38
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    Controllers Arrived yesterday... now for the Mirrors.

  9. #39
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    Mirrors now arrived as well....

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by peekay34 View Post
    Mirrors now arrived as well....
    peekay: OK, good to start the project then. Don't forget to take lots of pics!!!
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

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