G’day all
My car is due for first service 12 June.
Any advice out there about getting it done early, to take advantage of no traffic on the road etc? Is it better to go bang on 12 months or it’s no biggie to go a few weeks early before everyone’s back on the roads again?
It’s a major PIA to get to a dealer when I’m not working from home as I take PT to work.
Also- any Melbourne dealers you’d recommend or suggest avoiding?
12 month intervals give or take a few weeks isn't going to matter. If it suits you to get it done now, then get it done.
I cant help you with VW dealerships, but as long as you are aware that you dont need to take it into a VW dealer to have it serviced - unless you want to of course. There are a bunch of VW specialists in Melbourne that can service your car and you still keep your warranty.