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Thread: Fault Codes - Advise would be appreciate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Users Country Flag

    Question Fault Codes - Advise would be appreciate

    Hello guys,

    Today I went to a service where they used VCDS to analyze my car. As fault the below showed up.
    I was real scarred about the one with 1048574 km since I know that i bought my Golf 7 when it was around 145k km.
    Please advise me what should I do regarding this codes. They are serious ? Which of them should be considered as primary.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Fault Codes - Advise would be appreciate-1-jpg   Fault Codes - Advise would be appreciate-2-jpg  

    Fault Codes - Advise would be appreciate-3-jpg  

  2. #2
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    Sep 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yani View Post
    Hello guys,

    Today I went to a service where they used VCDS to analyze my car. As fault the below showed up.
    I was real scarred about the one with 1048574 km since I know that i bought my Golf 7 when it was around 145k km.
    Please advise me what should I do regarding this codes. They are serious ? Which of them should be considered as primary.

    Yani: First, don't worry about 1048574kms - this is the binary equivalent of 11111111111111111110 (i.e. a very large number), which simply means that the control module for the anti-theft system has failed to register the correct time/date/travel-distance when the fault occurred (sometimes happens).

    Second, the fault pictures tell you which are the more important faults - look at the "Fault priority" number: the lower the number, the more important the fault (according to VW).

    The other aspects of the faults to look-at is the "Fault frequency" and the date. On your first picture the frequency is "9" and the date is "2017. 10. 07". This means that the fault first occurred on 10th October 2017 and the fault re-occurred on 9 x subsequent ignition cycles since then.

    IMO, both the engine faults need to be monitored, but since the last fault is intermittent, it may be prudent to just watch this fault. Is the car operating correctly?


    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    First of all, thanks a lot for your answer. I bought a diagnostic tool (obdeleven) since the VCDS does not belong to me. After I will get it, i will constantly monitor the activity of the car and come back with an update.

    Moreover, regarding the car functionality, I can say it is operating correctly, maybe with 2 issues regarding the faults mentioned above (but I am not sure of them).

    1. Since the car has a DSG shift box (I drive most of the time in Normal mode, never in ECO, and sometimes in SPORT) when it is set in Normal mode and I spontaneous push the throttle paddle to the floor there is a lag (maybe this is the one that is called the Turbo Lag) or is something about the fault ("Throttle actuator control circuit ")
    2. I tried several times to voluntary trigger the alarm honk, but without success. I tried to slap the hood, kick the rims or force the door or the trunk (this was yesterday when I found out about the siren fault). What is unclear, is that some time ago I forgot that I locked the car and when I wanted to open it (softly) the alarm was triggered. It is possible that the fault codes is part of a incorrectly tweaking, I mention that my only tweaks on siren part were to activate lock/unlock beeping (without success, still this is a simple tweak)

    Regarding the motor for left temperature flap I don't know how exactly to test them (I get airflow from all the vents on the driver's side). As long i understand this is related to the climatronic module, but this is functional (I will continue the investigation and come back with updates)

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