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Thread: Emergency Braking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Brisbane, Queensland
    Users Country Flag

    Emergency Braking

    Hi Guys,

    Bit of an annoying issue with my new 7.5 Golf R.

    When leaving the driveway, the car sometimes slams on the brakes and stops. Appears to not be an issue IF there is mild acceleration / brakes are already applied but sometimes between accelerating and braking the car decides it is coasting and slams on the brakes. There are times when I might be between accelerating and braking (i.e. moving foot) and the car goes into panic mode. It's super annoying.

    Can anyone confirm which system this is? I'm not getting the red AEB warning on the dash when this happens (maybe because it's such slow speeds). Can i turn it off permanently (I'd rather run the risk of driving into someone than have this cut in ever again)? I have VCDS if necessary but would be easier if it's an option in the menus.

    Also, the general level of beeping this car does is ridiculous. Pretty keen to just turn all of the 'brains' stuff off (except ACC) and drive it like a normal car. Any tips guys? Seriously the wife will want me to sell it otherwise (and I kind of agree with her). Very disappointing after our mk6 GTI which just drove like a car.

    Thanks in advance.
    New Ride: MY19 PW R Special Edition
    Past: MY12 5dr CW Golf GTI Manual

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Brisbane, Queensland
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter
    Just realised this is Manoeuvre braking function and it seems like you can turn it off permanently.

    Now to figure out how to disable the beeps when the park pilot comes on.
    New Ride: MY19 PW R Special Edition
    Past: MY12 5dr CW Golf GTI Manual

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    You should be able to turn down (and ? turn off completely) the volume of the Park Assist warning tones using the Settings Menu.
    To disable and/or adjust thresholds of the Manoevre braking “feature” you will need VCDS access I would think. Others on here should be able to confirm.

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