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Thread: DQ250 vs DQ380

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    DQ250 vs DQ380

    So I have a new Mk7.5 golf R and a Mk 7 TDI both DSG
    The TDI is unbelievably smooth and enjoyable to drive, the R not so much.
    It can be (but not all the time) rather harsh and hesitant in 1st and 2nd.
    If I am driving very gently it’s fine, if it is being driven hard it’s fine. But if I drive it around the 50% mark it dose not deliver the same experience as the TDI.
    So I am wondering if this is normal for the DQ380 or is there something wrong?

    I was hoping the new DSG would be an improvement but my experience so far has me feeling I am driving around in a first gen DQ200

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    2014 VW Golf TDI Highline DSG - Limestone Green, DAP, Xenons
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alex31 View Post
    So I have a new Mk7.5 golf R and a Mk 7 TDI both DSG
    The TDI is unbelievably smooth and enjoyable to drive, the R not so much.
    It can be (but not all the time) rather harsh and hesitant in 1st and 2nd.
    If I am driving very gently it’s fine, if it is being driven hard it’s fine. But if I drive it around the 50% mark it dose not deliver the same experience as the TDI.
    So I am wondering if this is normal for the DQ380 or is there something wrong?

    I was hoping the new DSG would be an improvement but my experience so far has me feeling I am driving around in a first gen DQ200

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    I originally had a MK6 TDI DSG now with my brother that has done 170K and the gearbox has been faultless and smooth. I had a MK7 2016 R DSG also a good gearbox I had a JB4 so had the DSG tune and it was also good struggled occasionally before the tune but also good. Now have a MK7.5 7 DSG and would have to say this is also a fantastic gearbox handles the JB4 easily and is super smooth in all modes. I would suggest you have the dealer check yours out could be a software issue, I have noted a few complaints on US forums regards the 7 DSG but also a lot of praise as I've said I'd say the DSG 7 is the best I've had yet.
    2017 MY18 Golf R Wolfsburg | Oryx White | DSG / 2021 MY21 T-Cross Style | S+V Package | Limestone Grey

  3. #3
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    Ive gone from a mk6 GTI with DQ250 to a Skoda RS245 with DQ380 and its by far the best DSG I have ever used.... even S mode can now be used around the burbs where in the mk6 it would hold a gear forever. Get your looked at or even better drive another 7sp R and compare that
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  4. #4
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    I drive my 7.5 DSG just fine with no WTF moments ever, however my wife can’t stand driving the wolf, finds it lagging , jerky and not a smooth ride. I sort of agree with her but have to remember that my R is a garage queen and might be just that as she loves to get let loose on the open roads hours away from home. After those runs , it’s times like that , the gearbox comes into its own.
    Im on a stage 1 tune and the torque of my R hits harder than the R I took out on the VW track day. I guess to cut a long story short I would like the gears to be in the middle of drive and sport for me as it does flick through them without fuss and very rarely has my foot dropped a couple of cogs to get the revs up. Time and a place to unleash the beast... but enjoy it, I know what you mean. Sad to say the daily might just be better than the R for me!

  5. #5
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    We had a Passat 135 which worked beautifully with its DSG. It drove just like a slush box and was perfectly tuned for the torque delivery of the engine. That said, it was driven as a family car and you learned very quickly to keep your foot well away from the firewall for best results - kick down was a waste of time and not a pleasant experience.

    Moving on to the DQ380 in my current R: it’s a different beast and is driven differently. D is only suitable for moving from point A to point B. I now realise what people mean by the throttle lag. I rarely use it.

    Mostly I flick to sport - the engine setting is permanently in sport setting - and it works reasonably well. Certainly better than any previous DSG in sport mode that refused to change up until 6750 rpm even on 1/4 throttle. Sport is much better for moving off from lights and junctions. Flick on the cruise once moving and I’m fairly sure it swaps over to D anyway. Tap the brakes and you’re back in S for junctions. Sweet.

    The Only issue with S mode is what feels like some poor rev matching when down changing at normal traffic speeds. The box prefers to be on it but the police prefer that I not be on it all the time.

    Manual mode can be where the “clunky” thing can really happen. Box in S, flick to M, cold car, half throttle, pull for 2nd at about 3500 rpm to 4000 rpm and BANG! Check rear view mirror to see who hit you or if the engine has fallen out - it’s that violent. This has never happened in D mode when flicked to manual, nor in S auto. Nor when warm and flogging it.

    Is this a trade off of the box given its improved function in S mode? Is it simply because that car is tuned to be driven hard in Manual mode. Is it another DSG behaviour to be learned and driven around? Say like needing to press the clutch pedal in a regular manual box in order to change gear smoothly. Time will tell I suppose.
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  6. #6
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    I find the DQ 381 to be a much superior gearbox in my Alltrack diesel
    I used to have a DQ 250 in my mark 6 highline and never drove it in sport mode
    Just hung onto the gears way to long and drive changed up far to quick
    I have had the dq381 tuned and hardly need to use sport mode drive does the job just fine
    I use sport for twisty roads but only then
    Manual mode does bang a little if i push it and change up at 90% revs or more i.e 4000rpm in the diesel
    Tho i think that might just be the increased clamping pressure the tune gives
    The only real issue i have with it is it changes from 1st to 2nd to quick i use manual mode to stay in 1st gear in heavy crawling stop/start traffic
    Just feels like as soon as you touch the throttle lightly it changes up at 1300rpm
    Its fine if you give it throttle changes at 2500rpm
    But apart from that way better box stronger/smoother plus a extra gear whats not to like

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kachingg View Post
    I used to have a DQ 250 in my mark 6 highline and never drove it in sport mode
    Aren't mk6 mk7 etc Golfs using dry DSGs? I thought DQ250 is wet and the wet ones are only used in performance models?
    2017 Tiguan Highline 162TSI DAP, Sunroof, Black
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharp View Post
    Aren't mk6 mk7 etc Golfs using dry DSGs? I thought DQ250 is wet and the wet ones are only used in performance models?
    And diesels

  9. #9
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    Yup it was a tdi

  10. #10
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    So the R went into the Dealership today, they said they found nothing obvious but are going to recalibrate the system....
    The service team are excellent so hopefully it dose need just that
    Picking up in a hour, so I’ll report back then.
    I really hope it dose just need a calibration, but who know.
    All I know is the TDI is an amazing car.

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    2014 VW Golf TDI Highline DSG - Limestone Green, DAP, Xenons
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