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Thread: DIY oil change using an oil extractor

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
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    DIY oil change using an oil extractor

    Hi Golfers,
    HAs anyone used one of these oil extractors?

    9L Waste Oil Fluid Extractor Pump Manual Fuel Suction Vacuum Car Boat Transfer | eBay

    9L Waste Oil Fluid Extractor Pump Manual Fuel Suction Vacuum Car Boat Tr...

    Along with the adapter, the hose can reach the very bottom of the reservoir and suck up every drop of motor oil....

    • 9L Oil Extractor: The manual oil extractor is made of high-quality polypropylene for durability and resistance to corrosion and rust. Its capacity can reach 9L, which allows you to store more oil and avoid frequent recycling waste oil.
    • 4 Fluid Extractor Hoses: The manual fluid extractor comes with four suction hoses to change different sizes for various conditions. Along with the adapter, the hose can reach the very bottom of the reservoir and suck up every drop of motor oil.
    • Specificaiton: Color: White; Fluid Extractor Capacity: 9 liters; Fluid temperature range: 35°F- 200°F/1°- 95°C; 4x polypropylene hose diameter: 4mm / 6mm / 8mm / 10mm; Tank Capacity: 9L; Working pressure: 70-170 PSI
    • Easy To Use: You can change engine oil and transmission fluid by merely opening the hood, inserting an appropriate hose to the bottom of the oil pan. With the oil extractor pump, you no longer have to lift or crawl under the car to do fluid changing, and there is no mess to clean afterward.
    • Wide Application: The fluid extractor is widely used to extract the engine oil, brake fluid, ATF fluid, and other non-corrosive and non-thick fluid of motorcycles and vehicles. It is perfect for working on cars in the garage or automobile repair shops.

    Color: White
    Fluid Extractor Capacity: 9 liters/2.3Gal
    Fluid temperature range: 35°F- 200°F/1°- 95°C
    4x Polypropylene hose diameter: 4mm / 6mm / 8mm / 10mm
    Working pressure: 70-170 PSI
    G.W.: 3 kg

    Package Including:
    1x 9L Oil Extractor
    1x Copper Rod
    4x Extension Hoses (4mm / 6mm / 8mm / 10mm)
    1x Manual

    Will an Oil Extractor Get All The Oil? (MK7.5 Golf R 5000 Mile Service) - YouTube

    Will an Oil Extractor Get All The Oil? (MK7.5 Golf R 5000 Mile Service)
    [IMG] xml;base64,PHN2ZyB3aWR0aD0iODgiIGhlaWdodD0iODgiIHZ pZXdCb3g9IjAgMCA4OCA4OCIgeG1sbnM9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cud zMub3JnLzIwMDAvc3ZnIj48ZGVmcz48bGluZWFyR3JhZGllbnQ geDE9IjIuMDY2JSIgeTE9Ijk2Ljc1MSUiIHgyPSI5NS42NTklI iB5Mj0iMi45NjklIiBpZD0iYSI PHN0b3Agc3RvcC1jb2xvcj0iIzZEMDBGNiIgb2Zmc2V0PSIwJS IvPjxzdG9wIHN0b3AtY29sb3I9IiMwMDNBQkMiIG9mZnNldD0i MTAwJSIvPjwvbGluZWFyR3JhZGllbnQ PC9kZWZzPjxnIGZpbGw9Im5vbmUiIGZpbGwtcnVsZT0iZXZlbm 9kZCI PHBhdGggZD0iTTEyLjY3NiA3Ny4zNzZjMy45ODMgMy42MDggOC 42NjcgNi4yOCAxNC4wMjcgOC4wMTdDMzIuMDc4IDg3LjEyNSAz Ny44OSA4OCA0NC4xNjMgODhjNi4xNjQgMCAxMS45MzQtLjg3NS AxNy4yOTYtMi42MDcgMi4xNTQtLjY5NCA0LjE4Ni0xLjU0NyA2 LjExNi0yLjU0MyAyLjg4NC0xLjQ5IDUuNTMtMy4zMTIgNy45MT YtNS40NzQgMy45OS0zLjYwNyA3LjA5Ny04LjE4MyA5LjMzLTEz LjcwN0M4Ny4wNSA1OC4xMzYgODguMTY4IDUxLjU4IDg4LjE2OC A0NGMwLT****g2LTEuMTE4LTE0LjE0LTMuMzQ2LTE5LjY3LTIu MjMzLTUuNTMtNS4zNC0xMC4xLTkuMzMtMTMuNzA1LTMuOTg1LT MuNjE3LTguNjYtNi4yODUtMTQuMDMzLTguMDJDNTYuMDk2Ljg3 IDUwLjMyNiAwIDQ0LjE2MiAwYy02LjI3MyAwLTEyLjA4NS44Nj gtMTcuNDYgMi42MDYtMS43NDMuNTYtMy40MTIgMS4yMzYtNS4w MSAyLjAwNS0zLjMyIDEuNTgzLTYuMzMgMy41NzgtOS4wMTcgNi 4wMTVDOC42ODggMTQuMjMgNS41NzggMTguOCAzLjM0NiAyNC4z MyAxLjExNiAyOS44NiAwIDM2LjQxNCAwIDQ0YzAgNy41ODIgMS 4xMTcgMTQuMTM3IDMuMzQ2IDE5LjY3IDIuMjMyIDUuNTIzIDUu MzQyIDEwLjEgOS4zMyAxMy43MDZ6IiBmaWxsLW9wYWNpdHk9Ii 42NSIgZmlsbD0idXJsKCNhKSIvPjxwYXRoIGQ9Ik0zNi43MyA1 OWgtLjA2NmMtLjkyIDAtMS42NjQtLjc0Mi0xLjY2NC0xLjY1Nl YzMC42NTZjMC0uOTE1Ljc0LTEuNjU2IDEuNjY0LTEuNjU2LjAz IDAgLjA2IDAgLjA5LjAwMi4zOC0uMDczLjc4OC0uMDE0IDEuMT UyLjE5NmwyMi42MjIgMTMuMDZjLjc5OC40NiAxLjA3NSAxLjQ3 NC42MTMgMi4yNzYtLjAyMy4wNC0uMDQ4LjA4LS4wNzUuMTE4LS 4xMzcuMjctLjM1LjUwMy0uNjMuNjdsLTIyLjQ0IDEzLjQ4NGMt LjM5NS4yNC0uODUuMjk1LTEuMjY1LjE5M3oiIGZpbGw9IiNGRk YiLz48L2c PC9zdmc [/IMG]

    with kind regards,
    from Al <")))><

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
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    Haven't personally used one but have been tempted on several occasions to buy one. A lot of dealerships use the extraction method these days. The extractors get the vast majority of the oil out from the videos I have seen, but several hundred ml's will remain in the sump (nothing to worry about).
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 17-11-2022 at 11:04 AM.
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  3. #3
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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Hi Gav,
    That is a great way to get the last of the oil out. Thanks very much.
    Cheers Al

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Call me Al View Post
    Hi Gav,
    That is a great way to get the last of the oil out. Thanks very much.
    Cheers Al
    You will never get all of the oil out using an extractor. You will always get more out by dropping the sump plug, but even then there will always be a very small amount of old oil left in the engine.

    The extractors work well from what I have seen and are very quick, but dont get as much oil out as dropping the sump plug.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  6. #6
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    why would you want to use an oil extractor when you can just open the sump plug into a $10 pan.. its alot simpler

    and yeh.. open the filter cap to let the air run through faster.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7ur7le View Post
    why would you want to use an oil extractor when you can just open the sump plug into a $10 pan.. its alot simpler

    and yeh.. open the filter cap to let the air run through faster.
    From a convenience and speed point of view, I can understand why people do it. No need for a jack, jack stands, oil pan or car ramps etc to lift the car up. You can literally do an oil change in 5 mins.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

    2015 Audi SQ5 bi-turbo V6 TDI family hauler

  8. #8
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    dont see why anyone would have an oil extractor over jack stands , jack or a ramp, also the gravity / sump plug releases oil much faster than an oil extractor would pump it out.... takes more than 5mins to empty the conventional way.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 7ur7le View Post
    dont see why anyone would have an oil extractor over jack stands , jack or a ramp
    Some people might simply prefer an extractor vs jacking up a car/driving up on ramps and crawling under the car. I know people who like changing the oil themselves but getting under the car is (or has become) impractical for them, so an extractor is a game-changer.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by petemac110 View Post
    Some people might simply prefer an extractor vs jacking up a car/driving up on ramps and crawling under the car. I know people who like changing the oil themselves but getting under the car is (or has become) impractical for them, so an extractor is a game-changer.
    fair point

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