I've been unable to find where I asked about this before so SORRY!
The blindspot light in the side-mirrors are too easily missed by me. I have had the side-mirrors out and know where the wires to the little light go. There's a tiny plug to them.
Would it be as simple as wiring a piezo buzzer in series to the plug then poking it into the car interior, or what please?
cars (chronological) Morris850, Morris Mini DeLuxe, Cooper S, Mazda 1500SS, hard times so some old Holden, old Falcon Ute, better times so second hand Lotus Elan +2 (6 weeks, hopelessly unreliable) Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, second hand Datsun 260Z + 2 auto, Mitsubishi Cordia Turbo, Nissan 200SX turbo auto for 20 years(wonderful car burning ZERO oil after 200,000km & no problems when sold.. should have kept it), Toyota GTS 86 auto, now Golf R Mk 7.5 DSG built Aug2018, white.
Well I was taught to look briefly in all mirrors about every 30 secs especially when I was bus driving so i just sort of flick my eyes around and if the light is on I notice it.
A buzzer would drive you mad on a multi lane road as it would be on nearly all the time in traffic
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
Now we have BS monitors we do not have to do the risky "look briefly in all mirrors about every 30 secs " thing.
If psychological buzzer distraction-risk on a multi lane road exceeded risk of having my eyes off the road, I would include a gesture operated buzzer operation bypass system.
As the system uses the radar/anti collision, & we are advised not to mess with it, I am unsure about how to achieve the buzzer feature.
cars (chronological) Morris850, Morris Mini DeLuxe, Cooper S, Mazda 1500SS, hard times so some old Holden, old Falcon Ute, better times so second hand Lotus Elan +2 (6 weeks, hopelessly unreliable) Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, second hand Datsun 260Z + 2 auto, Mitsubishi Cordia Turbo, Nissan 200SX turbo auto for 20 years(wonderful car burning ZERO oil after 200,000km & no problems when sold.. should have kept it), Toyota GTS 86 auto, now Golf R Mk 7.5 DSG built Aug2018, white.
Any driver should know exactly where he is in respect to the surrounding traffic, using a blind spot monitor and relying on it takes away that awareness. I am old fashioned when it comes to mirrors unless I could have the Audi camera system then mirrors definitely become redundant. I was taught to scan all mirrors and the dash board every minute and it has saved a few speeding fines as well so I continue to do it.
Hooray Someone else with common sense Cant see every thing in mirrors and on a two lane road its on half the time anyway so I still use the mirrors regardless. Im sure notaGolfR's long list of cars didnt have this facility and he had to use his mirrors. Old habits die hard and are often still the best
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan
notaGolfR: It's certainly doable- IMO.
However, I think you meant "in parallel", rather than "in series" - the irony is that if you connect the buzzer in series, you will further reduce the lamp illumination because of the internal impedance of the buzzer - IMO
Also, you might want to consider adding a variable resistor (in series) with the buzzer as a volume control - the constant sound might be a tad annoying!!
The other embellishment that you might consider is to feed the buzzer through a simple single-pole relay which is wired-up as an AND-gate with inputs being the blind-spot warning lamp and the the turn-signal repeater LED like this:
In this design, the buzzer only sounds if you have indicated a turn AND there is a car in your blind-spot - much more discriminating and therefore more effective as a warning device - IMO.
Anyhow, please let us know how it works-out, if you proceed
PS: I made-up the schematic diagram below from the wiring diagram for a mk7.5 NAR model Golf. I suspect that RoW mk7s will be fairly similar - hope it helps. You might be able to pick-up the warning lamp signal from one of the "coupling points" in the door
Last edited by DV52; 18-03-2020 at 12:12 AM.
Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.
Thanks DV52. I appreciate all your effort. As is my custom, I will certainly let you and the forum know my experience if I proceed.
cars (chronological) Morris850, Morris Mini DeLuxe, Cooper S, Mazda 1500SS, hard times so some old Holden, old Falcon Ute, better times so second hand Lotus Elan +2 (6 weeks, hopelessly unreliable) Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, second hand Datsun 260Z + 2 auto, Mitsubishi Cordia Turbo, Nissan 200SX turbo auto for 20 years(wonderful car burning ZERO oil after 200,000km & no problems when sold.. should have kept it), Toyota GTS 86 auto, now Golf R Mk 7.5 DSG built Aug2018, white.
Hillbilly & Ozsko. I too was taught to scan mirrors constantly & this was rammed home to me when I (voluntarily...gee I am a goody) did a safe driver course in 1987? when we got the Cordia.
Later, with the 200SX I attached a curved mirror over the centre one when I noticed taxi drivers using them. I soon got used to the distance-behind factor and loved the way my awareness was great without so much use of side-mirrors.
It didn't work well in the Toyota, nor the Golf, plus I could not come to terms with the curved glass sides so made them flats.
NOW I am grappling with having the recommended way of adjusting the sides to eliminate blindspots i.e. lean over the centre console & adjust the LH, then put head on the driver window & adjust the RH.
My brain is neurologically challenged / boggling and now, with the advent of BS monitors, with their limitations including some missing of them flashing, I am thinking of putting the externals looking down the sides.
Whaddya reckon?
cars (chronological) Morris850, Morris Mini DeLuxe, Cooper S, Mazda 1500SS, hard times so some old Holden, old Falcon Ute, better times so second hand Lotus Elan +2 (6 weeks, hopelessly unreliable) Chrysler Valiant Charger 770, second hand Datsun 260Z + 2 auto, Mitsubishi Cordia Turbo, Nissan 200SX turbo auto for 20 years(wonderful car burning ZERO oil after 200,000km & no problems when sold.. should have kept it), Toyota GTS 86 auto, now Golf R Mk 7.5 DSG built Aug2018, white.
Very good but if you still check the mirrors surely you will notice that the blindspot light is on if a car is beside you. I do but maybe Im different and used to driving large vehicles where you have to be aware of your position on the road always
PS your car ownership list is a bit short as I have owned over 35 different cars in my life
I find a mirror on either side is correctly adjusted it I can just see the door handles on the inner edges
Last edited by Guest001; 18-03-2020 at 10:54 AM.
2021 Kamiq LE 110 , Moon White, BV cameras F & B
Mamba Ebike to replace Tiguan