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Thread: Anyone tried out the Michelin PS5's?

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ope126 View Post
    I have been following Jonathan Benson's YouTube Channel "Tyre Reviews" for about 10yrs now.
    He has all the facts and figures and the expertise to back it up...
    I am confused by the opinions of many online regarding tyres, most have little to no clue!
    And it appears that the Bob Jane / Michelin Rep have limited knowledge of their own products also...
    He knows his stuff thats for sure.

    In my experience the guys at the tyre shops just push whatever makes them the most profit with little to no regard for what the customer might want or need. So i always do my research beforehand and know which tyre(s) i am interested in.
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  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by amunra View Post
    dont worry about the opinions / reviews or feedback of many online regarding tyres.. just listen to 1 guy and buy the most expensive tyres and and ur good
    Honestly i dont even know (or why i bother) to respond to this.

    Most consumer online reviews of tyres are inaccurate because of course a brand new tyre is going to feel better/grippier/quieter/smoother than whatever worn out garbage they had on before. Not saying all consumer feedback is garbage, but a fair chunk of it is.

    This guy is incredibly methodical, and I certainly trust his knowledge and judgement of tyres over some random customer on the Bob Jane website who just put new tyres on his Camry.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  3. #13
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    Tyre shops sure can be shonky. I told my uncle about some performance tyres I had on my XR8 that were popular at Ford Forums at the time.

    He went somewhere with his RX8 and they sold him the family car model instead of the one I had, he just remembered that brand I had.

    Nobody should have sold him those, totally only a good sale for them.
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    Honestly i dont even know (or why i bother) to respond to this.

    Most consumer online reviews of tyres are inaccurate because of course a brand new tyre is going to feel better/grippier/quieter/smoother than whatever worn out garbage they had on before. Not saying all consumer feedback is garbage, but a fair chunk of it is.

    This guy is incredibly methodical, and I certainly trust his knowledge and judgement of tyres over some random customer on the Bob Jane website who just put new tyres on his Camry.
    With those sets of criterias that you clearly are looking.. one could say your opinion / feedback falls into that same category (garbage).. if you think every online review of tyres is based on those criterias of comparing how a current set of tyres perform (new to concurrent) because someone had an older set of worn tyres (before)... then im not sure you are looking at the right things to get proper feedbacks.

    obviously a new set of tyres is going to feel better than an old set of tyres but most reviews are based on new and some use / especially on performance vehicles.. compared to how previous tyres performed at the same points..

    I definately do not base any of my opinions on 'Bob Jane reviews from Camry drivers'... But maybe you do

    By the type of replies you give.. I wouldnt be surprised.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by amunra View Post
    Like everything that comes out of your mouth. I may as well be talking in another language or to a brick wall.

    Why dont you just stick with your Kinforest tyres and your counterfeit Chinese car parts and your general penny pinching ideas and leave the rest of us alone.
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  6. #16
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    why dont u just log out and stay logged out. forum hero

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by genebaby View Post
    Tyre shops sure can be shonky. I told my uncle about some performance tyres I had on my XR8 that were popular at Ford Forums at the time.

    He went somewhere with his RX8 and they sold him the family car model instead of the one I had, he just remembered that brand I had.

    Nobody should have sold him those, totally only a good sale for them.
    They just want to make a sale, and im sure 99% of people who walk in the door of the tyre shop have done zero research on what tyre they want, have given no thought to what their budget is, or even know what size/brand tyres their car has on it currently. So its an easy sale for them to push whatever they have in stock and/or make the most profit on.

    Im keeping an eye on tyres for my SQ5 because they will need replacing in the next 12 months and ive noticed several "all season" tyres for sale (Pirelli and Continental). Why on earth they are selling "all season" tyres in Australia is beyond me - absolutely not necessary here unless perhaps you live in a very specific area like Jyndabyne etc. I wonder how many people are buying these when they are not the right tyre to be using in Australia.
    2017 Ford Fiesta ST the go kart

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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucas_R View Post
    They just want to make a sale, and im sure 99% of people who walk in the door of the tyre shop have done zero research on what tyre they want, have given no thought to what their budget is, or even know what size/brand tyres their car has on it currently. So its an easy sale for them to push whatever they have in stock and/or make the most profit on.

    Im keeping an eye on tyres for my SQ5 because they will need replacing in the next 12 months and ive noticed several "all season" tyres for sale (Pirelli and Continental). Why on earth they are selling "all season" tyres in Australia is beyond me - absolutely not necessary here unless perhaps you live in a very specific area like Jyndabyne etc. I wonder how many people are buying these when they are not the right tyre to be using in Australia.
    they most likely sell all season tyres for people that need them.... especially for those areas in australia where the climates drop to 0 and below ( wow would you believe that happens? ) .. or get alot of frost or even snow on the road.. or perhaps people going out on skiing trips or need to work in these conditions... not everyone lives in the eastern coast / beach where its the near same climates all the time barr some rain.... if you dont need them dont buy them...

    once again... you are mixing your own personal needs / view with what someone elses needs may be... Surely those tyre shops have little to no idea about running a business and customers needs like you do... the king of retail... LUCAS_GTI

  9. #19
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    Anyone tried out the Michelin PS5's?

    On 9th May 2022, I had my VW R Wagon 45,000 36 months service done by the VW Dealer. We have actually only done 32,000 klms. I knew the front tread levels are a bit low. I asked the VW Dealer a year ago to rotate the wheels and the technician claimed it was best as it was, and to leave it. Now they are saying the original Continentals Tyres are on the way out and still quoted $45 to rotate the wheels.

    Their tyre replacement quotes, inc alignment were;

    Pirelli P Zero $1,637 i.e. $409.25 each and
    Continentals $1,789 i.e. $447.25 each.

    Ridiculous quoting prices, without specifically indicating which type of Tyre e.g. which Continentals?.

    I was at Costco recently and did not ask about Tyres.

    So, I rotated the wheels myself and the rears to front, I will see about another 5,000 klm.

    I am interested in high performance Tyres before the end of this year.

    I will have a look at Trust the tyre guru - from about 4.00min onwards he talks about the Michelin PS4, PS5 etc

    12 of the BEST Tires for 2022 - YouTube:
    Last edited by Call me Al; 11-07-2022 at 08:07 PM.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Call me Al View Post
    Anyone tried out the Michelin PS5's?

    On 9the May I had my VW R Wagon 45,000 36 months service done by the Dealer. We have actually only done 32,000 klms and I knew the tread levels are a bit low. I asked them a year ago to rotate the wheels and the technician claimed it was best to leave it. Now they are saying the original Continentals Tyres are on the way out and still quoted $45 to rotate the wheels.

    Their quote inc alignment on Pirelli P Zero $1,637 i.e. $409.25 each and Continentals $1,789 i.e. $447.25 each. Ridiculous prices.

    I was at Costco recently and did not ask about Tyres.

    So, I rotated the wheels myself and the rears to front, I will see about another 5,000 klm.

    I am interested in high performance Tyres before the end of this year.

    I will have a look at Trust the tyre guru - from about 4.00min onwards he talks about the Michelin PS4, PS5 etc

    12 of the BEST Tires for 2022 - YouTube:
    always rotate your tyres between 10 - 15,000km... its the difference between getting 20 - 30k extra on the tread hoping everything else stays together..

    unfortunately for High Performance Tyres.. i had a goodyear assy 5 that was in the best condition out of the 4 on the car ( no sidewall damage or cuts, no punctures), rotated at early KM... not that worn.. all correct pressures at the station before commuting... no warning light for 3 1/2 hours until it fell apart at the seem / sidewall on the freeway at 110kmph... .. didnt even sound like i hit anything which u can easily hear when u do.

    dont put all your faith in "High Performance tyres" at some ridiculous prices for daily / commuting..

    even after all the 'trouble shooting' or user -error scenarios with the goodyear rep.... it was finally admitted that the tyres have rubber compound faults and if there is alot of spherical rubber residue inside the tyre which fell apart then they are the defective ones... which there was... exactly how he described it.. he then said to leave that with him and then wrapped up that conversation quickly... he went on to dismiss everything the next day and that he even mentioned the residue.

    so. instead of 300 - 400 per corner u should be looking at kf550 for 120 a corner.. i bet you'll have a similar experience as a michelin for a fraction of the price.

    ive still had no driveability problems or performance issues with KF550 till this day .. had alot of driveability / traction loss / wheelspin with bridgestone (oem) and said problems with goodyears ..

    personally am i going to spend $250+ for a tyre again.. most likely not.

    Is lucas_gti going to cry on his keyboard over this post... most likely

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