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Thread: ACC, ESC, Hill Hold Assist, TPMS errors

  1. #1
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    ACC, ESC, Hill Hold Assist, TPMS errors

    Looks like I'm the first member in the MK7 sub forum to have experienced this issue. Did a quick google search, issue appear to be affecting quite a few users from around the world in other forums. Wondering if anyone has experienced this before or aware of a solution.

    Was pulling into the carpark at work today, low speed, full steering lock to the left when a list of errors appeared one ofter the other on the MFD:

    Hill Hold Assist

    The vehicle status screen in the MIB also lists the same errors + a few more once the engine starts.

    Battery SOC was at 80%

    Turning the car off and back on did not resolve the issue however, driving the car for a few hundred meters did clear all the errors.

    I've emailed my sales manager to see if they have a fix for this.

    Car is MY15 103TSI with 2k on the clock.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails ACC, ESC, Hill Hold Assist, TPMS errors-img_0491-jpg  
    Last edited by agentthumb; 26-08-2015 at 11:54 AM.
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

  2. #2
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    I had a similar issue with a few different electronic systems (notably the ESC), and like you once I drove a few hundred metres or so the errors disappeared. Although this was on a MK6 Golf these issues and circumstances sound similar.

    In the end after being error free for 2 weeks after the first symptoms occurred, I had the car parked outside on a very cold 5°C night (cold weather discharges your battery faster) and when I went to start the car the battery was dead/couldn't muster enough energy to turn the starter motor, although I never had a battery warning issue and the other electronics like headlights (bi-xenons) and media unit worked perfectly fine. The car was almost exactly 3 years old (which is a typical battery lifecycle).

    So in summary, I have a feeling your battery is struggling/dying. The voltage probably dropped below a threshold for those functions to run (hence the errors). The errors would then disappear because the alternator would be feeding a healthy voltage back into the battery which might perk it up temporarily. I would recommend asking for a battery replacement, and then a check to see if you have any electronics leaking energy (which could could prematurely deteriorate your battery or leave it in bad health).

    On a sidenote, if people want signs to look out for a dying battery look for:
    1. Engine taking longer to start up.
    2. Slowing electric windows (Particularly noticeable when engine is not running, that being said they will always be slower when engine is not running, but they will be really slow if the battery is dying).
    3. Vehicle electronics errors which disappear when on the move.

    I could be wrong, but make sure you keep us updated!
    Last edited by RMBB; 26-08-2015 at 02:02 PM.

  3. #3
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    agenttumb: Strange happenings indeed - sorry to hear about your troubles! What does the auto-scan report from your VCDS cable say (even though the error messages on the screen are erased, the DTC information from the ODBII facility will still be recorded)?
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    They are exactly the same messages you get when you start the car the first time after disconnecting the battery. As suggested above pointing to a battery or electrical issue.
    2010 MY10 Golf R (Sold) - 5 Door, DSG, Rising Blue, Leather, ACC, Satnav, Dynadio, Sunroof, MDI, Electric Seat.
    2015 MY16 Golf GTI - 5 Door, DSG, Carbon Grey, Leather, Sunroof, DAP.

  5. #5
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    ACC, ESC, Hill Hold Assist, TPMS errors

    Thanks RMBB for that, I'll keep an eye on the battery charge, but my Stop / Start system has been working correctly the whole 40 minutes drive to work, I would assume if the battery is running low on charge, Stop / Start wouldn't stop the engine?

    Also DV52, just got home, ran Auto-Scan on VCDS, have a whole range of errors that have since been cleared. Not very familiar with fault code reading, but it would appear the fault originated from the ABS controller?

    01-Engine -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    02-Auto Trans -- Status: OK 0000
    03-ABS Brakes -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    08-Auto HVAC -- Status: OK 0000
    09-Cent. Elect. -- Status: OK 0000
    10-Park/Steer Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    13-Auto Dist. Reg -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    15-Airbags -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    16-Steering wheel -- Status: OK 0000
    17-Instruments -- Status: OK 0000
    19-CAN Gateway -- Status: OK 0000
    3C-Lane Change -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    42-Door Elect, Driver -- Status: OK 0000
    44-Steering Assist -- Status: Malfunction 0010
    52-Door Elect, Pass. -- Status: OK 0000
    5F-Information Electr. -- Status: OK 0000

    Address 01: Engine (J623-CHPA)
    3 Faults Found:
    17156 - Databus
    U1123 00 [032] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    17158 - Databus
    U1123 00 [032] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 2
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    4660 - Please Check Fault Codes in Control Module for ABS Brakes
    U1017 00 [032] - -
    Intermittent - Not Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:24

    Address 03: ABS Brakes (J104)
    3 Faults Found:
    0269 - Lateral Acceleration Sensor
    C1079 29 [008] - Signal Implausible
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 2
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 116
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    16412 - Display for Tire Pressure Monitoring
    C1146 02 [008] - Signal Failure
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 2
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:43

    16413 - Display for Tire Pressure Monitoring
    C1146 02 [008] - Signal Failure
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 2
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:43

    Address 10: Park/Steer Assist (J791)
    2 Faults Found:
    13637426 - Databus
    U1123 00 [008] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    13688835 - Databus
    U1123 00 [008] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    Address 13: Auto Dist. Reg (J42
    5 Faults Found:
    1056 - Databus
    U1123 00 [008] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    1058 - Databus
    U1123 00 [008] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    1059 - Databus
    U1123 00 [008] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    1043 - Automatic Distance Control
    B10E7 F0 [008] - Disconnected
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    1117 - Automatic Distance Control
    B10E7 F0 [008] - Disconnected
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 2
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    Address 15: Airbags (J234)
    1 Fault Found:
    1049093 - Databus
    U1123 00 [008] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    Address 3C: Lane Change (J1086)
    2 Faults Found:
    337728 - ROD - Unknown Error Code
    - 00 [008]
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22

    338048 - Databus
    U1123 00 [008] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Fault Frequency: 1
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:26

    Address 44: Steering Assist (J500)
    1 Fault Found:
    19204 - Databus
    U1123 00 [008] - Received Error Message
    Intermittent - Confirmed - Tested Since Memory Clear
    Freeze Frame:
    Fault Status: 00000001
    Fault Priority: 6
    Reset counter: 115
    Mileage: 2076 km
    Date: 2015.08.26
    Time: 09:04:22
    Last edited by agentthumb; 26-08-2015 at 08:59 PM.
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

  6. #6
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    agentthumb: I'm not discounting OP's suggestion regarding the battery, but I would have expected messages like: Power Supply (B+) Terminal 15 - Low Voltage, or Power Supply (B+) Terminal 30 - Low Voltage, or Supply Voltage (B+) in the autoscan report.

    The fact that you have a string of Fault frequency:1 and Fault frequency:2 in a number of DTCs confirms the intermittent nature of the problem (not good for fault finding). I guess it's just a matter of keeping a close watch on the control modules in your list


    Last edited by DV52; 26-08-2015 at 10:25 PM.
    Please don't PM to ask questions about coding, or vehicle repairs. The better place to deal with these matters is on-line, in the forum proper. That way you get the benefit of the expertise of the wider forum! Thank you.

  7. #7
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    Be aware that when I ran through my fault codes at the time, no errors/malfunctions recorded whatsoever relating to the battery. I can't be sure about why I wasn't given a warning, but one theory may be the battery was malfunctioning. I also had the errors looked at by a VW specialist and they could not even tell me what was wrong.

    To answer your Stop-Start question, once the car has travelled about 200m the alternator will power the battery back up and for Stop-Start purposes the battery will hold up just fine.

    So from what you've said I would not be ruling out the battery just yet!

    I don't have a copy of my fault codes to compare against yours, although where our systems had the same function/features like the Steering assist, Airbags, ABS and engine they threw up the same error codes.

    If it is the battery causing this issue, which to me looks very likely; just know that once you are moving the systems will all work just fine and you shouldn't worry for your safety regarding the airbags, steering assist, engine and ABS.

    Hope this helps! Keep us posted.

  8. #8
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    Thanks for the info RMBB. Got an email from my sales manager this morning, he has forwarded my video, pic and the auto-scan log onto their workshop manager. Hopefully I'll get something back soon.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

  9. #9
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    Update: Spoke to service manager, they need the car for a couple of hours.

    Booked in next Saturday. Will keep everyone posted.
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

  10. #10
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    So took the car in, they ran a scan and couldn't find anything wrong, as expected. Cleared fault code.

    Hasn't happened again since tho, so not too worried. At least I have it on record now if there's ever a dispute later on down the track.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Golf MK7 103TSI Highline Wagon | Limestone Grey | DAP2
    Golf MK7 110TDI Highline Hatchback | Tungsten Silver | DAP

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