Good to hear you have been able to make an improvement to the rattle as well as the engine response.
Final Update & observations.... Mrs Valvster has been clunking around in a moonboot for the last 3 weeks so I am the only driver for several more weeks and the gearbox has "learnt" my more gentle sporting style so S mode is now rarely necessary in everyday driving.
Even so I still noticed some slight pinging which a a fresh tank of 98 and a bottle of Nulon Boost and Clean eliminated within a few Km.
No pinging on the next refill until about 4 weeks later so I still wonder about our fuel quality in Sth Aust.
Sadly the VW will be on its way to a new home in the next few weeks as our new CX5 is being built as I type. The wait for a Tiguan was too long and well over budget so it's back to one of the few NA cars with a slushbox and hopefully as reliable as the VW has been as there is not a lot of forum expertise as in the VW community.