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Thread: 2014 90TSI 1.4L Mk7 Golf Wastgate Rattle 1300 RPM 6th gear

  1. #1
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    2014 90TSI 1.4L Mk7 Golf Wastgate Rattle 1300 RPM 6th gear

    Hi Guys....need some help with this one
    I have a 2014 90TSI 1.4L Mk7 Golf DSG running BPUltimate98, 504/507 oil,85,000Km and after spending many hours trawling through the www I found this on Youtube

    Engine rattle - VW golf Mk7 1.4tsi - possible wastegate rattle - YouTube
    This sounds like a wastegate rattle which seems identical to mine and I have quietened it down substantially by using a spring from Bunnings similar to this on a BMW BMW 340i 2016 B58 Engine. Wastegate actuator won’t rattle anymore. - YouTube
    The rattle occurs at about 1300rpm when the car is in 6th gear (DSG - 52kph) and applying the throttle going uphill just before it changes down to 5th. or revs build to over 1600.
    The WG lever and bushing have less than 1mm play in them, the WG actuator is electric not vacuum like most shown on Ytube and moves freely to open and closed positions.
    Ups, bist Du ein Mensch? / Are you a human?
    Is it OK to adjust the rod to take up the slop(pre-load) or do I seek out some-one with VCDS to check the adjustment.
    The dealer fitted a clip when car was bought new but I wonder if there could be another underlying cause?...Plugs,Coil, Detonation, Pre-ignition?
    The car is grandma driven and new plugs fitted 25K km ago, no EPC light on dashboard.
    Last edited by Valvster; 17-05-2022 at 11:23 PM.

  2. #2
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    1,300rpm is way too low to be applying load onto an engine to go uphill. In addition to any wastegate rattle you might have, you are likely to be getting detonation at those rpm also.

    You would be much better off driving the car in either sport mode or manual mode so that the car will be in a more suitable gear (eg 5th gear at say 2,000rpm at the same speed) so that its closer/within its peak torque range.

    The DSG tune rushes to get the car into top gear but then the engine labours because the rpm is too low and the car is so unresponsive because its no where near its peak torque.

    One of the best things I did on my Mk7 is get a DSG tune, so instead of changing up gears at about 1,600rpm, it now changes at 2,200rpm which makes the daily driving experience more enjoyable. I can comfortably cruise along at 60kph in 4th gear at about 2,000rpm instead of being in 5th gear at about 1,500rpm and labouring the engine.
    Last edited by Lucas_R; 18-05-2022 at 12:18 PM.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valvster View Post
    Hi Guys....need some help with this one
    I have a 2014 90TSI 1.4L Mk7 Golf DSG running BPUltimate98, 504/507 oil,85,000Km and after spending many hours trawling through the www I found this on Youtube

    Engine rattle - VW golf Mk7 1.4tsi - possible wastegate rattle - YouTube
    This sounds like a wastegate rattle which seems identical to mine and I have quietened it down substantially by using a spring from Bunnings similar to this on a BMW BMW 340i 2016 B58 Engine. Wastegate actuator won’t rattle anymore. - YouTube
    The rattle occurs at about 1300rpm when the car is in 6th gear (DSG - 52kph) and applying the throttle going uphill just before it changes down to 5th. or revs build to over 1600.
    The WG lever and bushing have less than 1mm play in them, the WG actuator is electric not vacuum like most shown on Ytube and moves freely to open and closed positions.
    Ups, bist Du ein Mensch? / Are you a human?
    Is it OK to adjust the rod to take up the slop(pre-load) or do I seek out some-one with VCDS to check the adjustment.
    The dealer fitted a clip when car was bought new but I wonder if there could be another underlying cause?...Plugs,Coil, Detonation, Pre-ignition?
    The car is grandma driven and new plugs fitted 25K km ago, no EPC light on dashboard.

    the question is why are you letting it lose power and then giving it too much throttle going up hill in 6th at 1300rpm ?

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    Agree with Lucas and amunra, sounds like its detonating. Stupid DSG mapping and reluctance to downshift at fault here IMO.

    Do not drive uphill in a high gear at low speeds snf then apply throttle ... keep it up and you will likely have a very expensive fix required in the future.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharkie View Post
    Agree with Lucas and amunra, sounds like its detonating. Stupid DSG mapping and reluctance to downshift at fault here IMO.
    Totally agree with all replies.... especially the DSG mapping, when the car was new it was way too eager to get to D7 1200rpm at 60kph, VW did a software update when upgraded clutch pack was installed at 18,000km and now it is mostly in D6 from 46-60kph which happens often with all the road works around Adelaide.
    I only drive in D going downhill or on the flat so constantly tap the gearstick back into S to prevent the engine wife drives mostly, running grandkids around ,shops etc.
    We don't plan on keeping the car much longer so a TCU tune is out, I am half way thru a tank of petrol with injector cleaner in it and this morning I adjusted the actuator rod half a turn and so far no CEL.
    My thinking is the wastgate is "flapping" at low revs under load because of the play in the actuator rod but I would like to rule out detonation, amunra, what octane booster do you use and does it leave any deposits on your plugs?


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    Quote Originally Posted by Valvster View Post
    what octane booster do you use and does it leave any deposits on your plugs?
    Just put 5 litres of E85 in the tank along with 98, much much cheaper and will do the same thing.

    Id say you are only hearing the noise when the engine is lugging due to such low rpm. Keeps the revs up and I doubt you will hear it.
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  7. #7
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    Thanks for the E85 tip Lucas-R.
    Yes the noise is only there for 1-1.5 seconds but this is an "automatic " gearbox and given the strife with the twin charge setup in the Mk6 I would expect they would provide DSG mapping that avoids engine lugging and possible detonation.
    Since making the adjustment the noise is barely audible but to be on the safe side I will scan for codes and check plug gaps.

  8. #8
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    Some E85 or octane booster aside - as I dont think this will have any affect on the issue as well as being inconvenient (E85) or very expensive (octane booster). The issue is that the engine is operating outside of its preferred RPM range, so it might be a case of having to drive the car in a different manner to keep the revs up.

    The DSG mapping is setup for economy as the single most important factor, hence why it rushes to get to top gear ASAP and is happy to lug the engine at silly low RPM's.
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valvster View Post
    Thanks for the E85 tip Lucas-R.
    Yes the noise is only there for 1-1.5 seconds but this is an "automatic " gearbox and given the strife with the twin charge setup in the Mk6 I would expect they would provide DSG mapping that avoids engine lugging and possible detonation.
    Since making the adjustment the noise is barely audible but to be on the safe side I will scan for codes and check plug gaps.
    sounds like u helped it + different driving behaviours on the pedal u should be good . sometimes u need to keep a bit more throttle before you let it die back like that sounds like my old jap cars in 6th going up a hill

  10. #10
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    Just a bit of an update...
    I adjusted the rod 2 turns anti-clockwise and got and instant CEL so have backed it off to 1.25 turns anti and it's almost driving like a new car once more, much improved responsiveness.
    This seems to have closed the wastegate flap so it is now boosting properly at 1300-1500rpm so the car is no longer lugging.
    Their is just a minute amount of play in the rod/lever assembly and the rattle has gone to further up the rev range were it has become more of a tinkle that is barely perceptible.
    After lots of research I really think a very high temperature grease should be applied to the rod/lever assembly from new to help reduce wear.
    I also had a helpful chat to Transporter regarding bad or old fuel... over the last 18mths because of covid we have reduced our travelling so would only fill up once every 4-6 weeks often only topping up with 20-25Litres. I now run it to near empty and only half fill the tank, have also switched from our local BP to fuel from a very new Mobil service station .
    Last edited by Valvster; 08-06-2022 at 11:24 PM.

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