Hi everyone,
Was a member long time ago but changed email (new me lol) and now I’m essentially starting from ‘zero’.

After missing my 09 Golf TSI, I went and bought (2 weeks ago) a 2015 WV Golf MK7 wagon 92TSI (DQ200) 140k km - didn’t have issues with gearbox, no crunching or anything noticeable.

Drove the car this morning for 5 minutes, went back in and it threw me a Gearbox Error. It won’t crank nor start.

I’ve heard and read of this issue a lot (this forum is doing god’s work).

I’m waiting for my friend to come and OBD it, but I’m fairly confident its the mechatronic.

My question is, has anyone had a mechatronic unit replaced out of warranty (this much out of warranty)? Am I hoping for nothing?

Thank you to everyone