Carried out a Phase 1 tune on a Golf R today. A most impressive vehicle, made much better with some more power.
Same power output as the S3.
Custom-Code - The Latest Innovation in Serial Port Chip Tuning Technology. Remap VW - Audi - Seat - Skoda - 2.0T FSI S3 260BHP
Goes like a motorbike and pulls like, insert simile of your choice
The Rs I have tuned are not on the forums.
Custom-Code are on pretty much all the UK forums. Their website has been off line for several months since they changed the logo. It's having a big re-write too. The old one hadn't been serviced much since it came live in 2006-7. Lots of new vehicles had come out and there was no information on them.
I have good support from them, generally receive files within a couple of hours.