Tuned a Scirocco R this afternoon, customer brought it straight after he picked it up from dealer
can't describe the change the tune made to the car, increase of 188kw to 230kw and car sounded brilliant afterwards as well
Congratulations to all the lucky people who have picked up there Volkswagen Scirocco R
BSR offers a tune for these cars an increase of
188kw ----> 230kw
374Nm ----> 425Nm
the tune is offered in a PPC3 unit allowing you to revert to stock mode or tune at the tip of your fingers
price for stage is $1340
Last edited by BSR Tuning; 02-02-2012 at 07:49 AM.
Tuned a Scirocco R this afternoon, customer brought it straight after he picked it up from dealer
can't describe the change the tune made to the car, increase of 188kw to 230kw and car sounded brilliant afterwards as well
assuming thats dyno tuned?
Your first statement says 278hp-308hp, thats only 30hp
Second post 188kw-230kw, thats 42kw/56hp
The car which got Tuned would have been mine
The Tunning is Actually from 265hp --> 308hp
I am getting the Car Dyno'd tomorrow so I'll update the actual power
Well it seems that I was that guy who got it Tuned Last Friday,
There was a slight error about HP here only because the Australian Model was detuned to 265hp from 278hp and 188kw from the original 195kw.
So pretty much the numbers add up...
188kw - (225-300)kw
265hp - 308hp
My Car gets Dyno'd Tomorrow at Chasers so I'll post the Results up here when I have them