I have just received confirmation from Velocity Motoring!
We are able to offer some special introductory pricing for their just released VMR Sport Boost gauge to suit MK5 golf!
In the US they have a limited time pricing of $149.95US so we are looking to replicate that special and launch this product at only
The gauges will be available within a couple of weeks and at the time of launch I hope to have installation instructions finalised. See below for pictures. If you wish to have one allocated to you at the introductory price please email
sales@dubaddiction.com.au expressing your interest. Pricing will revert back to the standard US RRP of $199 once the innitial shipment has sold through so be quick!
Kit includes the 37mm gauge (either red or white illumination), vent, install hardware, vacuum lines, and the "no buzz" tap kit from NewSouth Performance
Further details an images at