so ive got a problem.. but what is it?
i went to start up my car today, wouldnt start so i turnt it over a few times to get it started. finally started up, the rev counter is idling at 2 thousand revs instead of under 1 thousand revs. so i thought i better take it for a drive to warm up.
as i pulled off every gear change was gerky, it was almost like the gas peddal was stuck. so it would give me a clutch boost every time i would change gear!
i pulled into a service station with a garage in it, me and the bloke had a chat about it.. he suggested a blown head gasket? hope not then we started fiddling around with the car, and the bloke suggested an electrical thought?? the car is due a service in 4 months.. so i think i might have to give it a early service..
what do you think the problem is?
Last edited by benissatan; 20-05-2007 at 01:48 PM.
holden s ute 2002
but i still love the VW WATERCOOLED CLUB