So after meeting Gav at the airport and scanning the car. The EGT sensor kept coming up as a fault. Also he gave me a chance to drive his and now I'm desperate to get mine to stage 2
Had a good look this morning. Sensor looked fine followed the wire no splitting or anything. Got to the front next to the dipstick took off the black cover and the bloody plug wasn't plugged in. So plugged it it. Warmed the car up put my foot down and everything is fine again.
So now that it's sorted hoping to get my brakes done next month then get started on some performance stuff.
100% credit to Gav. Thanks so much for your help otherwise I'd be lost. And thanks for the diagnostic advice which stopped me from spending money on parts that don't need replaced
Cool so all seems well on the stuttering front now.
still making a funny noise when holding revs between 2-3k like a small air discharge or something. Strange one. Due a service now anyway so gonna get the faults scanned again and go from there.
Also this recent rain has proved to me how bloody awful my tyres are (already knew that)
so looking at a new set. Any advice so far my shortlist is Khumo Exsta's and Continental contisport 5
anyone had any experience with either or advice on another I should consider.
looking at under $700 fitted.
Cheers for the tyre advice I've never looked at maxxis so i'll have a look.
bad news though car is now needing two attempts to start in when it's cold and is rough idling. funny clicking coming from the far left of the engine when on idle and the note from the sounds like its kind of missing a beat. Also the injectors are noisy as hell?
going to unplug the egt sensor tomorrow before starting again and see if that stops it from coughing.
still intermittently stagnant on boost too but sometimes its throwing me back into my seat so its a weird one.