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Thread: Problem with Haldex? S3

  1. #1

    Problem with Haldex? S3

    Hi guys
    My 8L S3 is doing some odd-things with the Haldex Diff - it's binding up the read wheels - a fuse pull to disengange the Haldex controller fixes this, so it's probably a controller. BUT also, making a horrible grinding noise at speed.

    I suspect a new diff is in order.

    Anyone come across this? Anyone got a Mk TT or S3 second hand diff?

    '02 S3 APR; '09 A3 1.8T; GSXR1100
    Gone but not forgotten
    '94 Golf VR6; lots of work...
    '74 Passat; '76 Golf, both modded

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Diff, Haldex coupling or controller. I think you should confirm which you need as they are 3 separate items.

    Might be worth trying a Haldex oil and filter change. Be cheaper than a new coupling, if it fixes it.

    Have you had it scanned for fault codes.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Canning Vale, Perth, WA
    i'd also suggest the oil. i think its around $150 for a small dribble thats needed.

    If that fails, then buy replacement gear ex UK or US
    2007 Audi RS4 with: APR ECU Upgrade; JHM Quick Shifter; Milltek Catback and Downpipes; KW V3 Coilovers; Argon Creative Carbon Fibre Splitters

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    North Shore
    If you do get a Haldex oil and filter change (it is due every 60k) then make sure that whoever does it knows what they are doing. I know of more than one case where the person doing the job has drained the differential oil and topped up the Haldex oil. Car comes back on a tow truck with the diff pin seized and the front mount snapped off when the Haldex tried to engage.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Most common cause of those symptoms is the controller, get an APR one. Problems gone
    1979 Mk1 Golf 2door (Under construction)
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by mk1turbo79 View Post
    Most common cause of those symptoms is the controller, get an APR one. Problems gone
    APR don't make one - they simply re-sell the Haldex one. And you can get them substantially cheaper than what APR sell them for if you know where to look...

    For what it's worth, failing controller tends to result in no drive at the rear rather than binding up and noises...
    Nothing to see here...

  7. #7
    I came across this thread earlier today, might be related to your problem -
    The Audi TT Forum :: View topic - Exploded rear differential
    - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Audi Forums - Australia

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Also worth checking the rear brake calipers and pads.
    Had a couple of 4WD Audis recently with bent slider pins, which jamms the rear inner pad and confuses the traction control and abs systems.

    I also have an S3 here for wrecking with a burnt interior, but complete running gear.
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