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Thread: Old school audis

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
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    Nice to see that there are some of these old girls left. Good work saving it from the wrecker.

    There are a couple of bits, like the thrust washer in the end of the crank that would fit all passats from 1974-2004. Yours is indeed the start of the story.

    The guy who owned Lukes Passat before him has an Audi Grille for your car with the rings on it. I`ll find out if he will sell it for you.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

  2. #22
    yer i'm very interested in the badge for the grille

    there two types of gril, theres a aluminium grille with the badge cast into it and theres a plastic grille with a plastic chrome badge, i'm just after the badge, but any help would be appreciated....

  3. #23
    thought since i was gaining a little interest with my automobile i thought i would share with you the complexities i had from the start

    the original sunroof the previous owner put it, leaked like no 2morrow!

    after i got fed up with the water dropping onto my head and i had to drive to one side of my seat i descided enough was enough and to get this problem sorted! went though all the options of filling the hole, replacing it with similar pop top sunroofs (similar leaking problems would then occur later) desided to go looking at steel sunroofs out of E30's etc etc but ended up been rusted to big, wrong curve etc etc,

    ended up with a sunroof out of a Honda fits like a glove! heres the pic

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    Will be more than happy to chat with you mate i started my apprenticeship in 88 and there was plenty around. I owned a 5cyl Audi 90 and a string of others including an Audi Coupe, UR Quattro which i still cry thinking about. Thats now a collector YEah around 14 years with Audi bro, welcome mate!
    Alba European
    Service, Diagnostics and repairs. Mobile Diag available on request
    Audi/VW/Porsche Factory trained tech 25+ yrs exp
    For people who value experience call 0423965341

  5. #25
    that wasn't that black 82' UR i seen on ebay a while ago for 20K was it?

    my sunroof jobs a real blast, did that all myself with the tiniest bit of help from my dad

  6. #26
    Join Date
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    Dont poke and hope, scan, smoke and scope
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    Mate i emigrated from Scotland it was a 1990 20v jobbie 300bhp! was a great thing. I remember when i did sunroofs mate, the guy that showed me what to do cut a roof too big and the glass fell through hehehe never forget that one . Good thing for oversize glass hey!!!!
    Alba European
    Service, Diagnostics and repairs. Mobile Diag available on request
    Audi/VW/Porsche Factory trained tech 25+ yrs exp
    For people who value experience call 0423965341

  7. #27
    i'll have to get more pics, we actually formed the roof, so it was a factory mounted item apposed to cutting a hole and clamping a sunroof to the hole

    but yer nice

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Maroubra Beach
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    Your Audi is Gold!

    Audi's and VW's looked the same:

    Audi Fox = VW Passat

    Audi 50 = VW Polo/Golf

    Great car and good luck with it!

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    hahaha, I remeber when i was young, they house across from us was full of bikers (not bad blokes really) and appart from all teh bikes doing doughnuts all teh time, they had a couple of mint XA falcon wagons that my girlfriend would have loved and a loverly audi fox that i used to ride past every day on my BMX... thought it was way cool... guess that where my love for the UR came from...
    1982 Audi quattro
    2004 Yeti A.R.C

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC

    Man this thing is the business... Did u import it here or buy it in Oz... Didnt u bring some cars over here when u imagrated from the UK...

    We need to see all ya rides lined up... Im lovin it

    p.s i your bro the one with the Audi grille in his passat wagon

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