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Thread: Old school audis

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
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    just another


  2. #42
    You've out done yourself champ.

    Thats right up there with my favorite's. Love that car.

    Once I got the mag with the feature of it, I went searching for Audi Fox's.

    None about.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Orange NSW
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    Holy F@#$%^G Schiit!!!! That has to be the best looking Fox, Car for that matter, that I have ever seen!!!!
    Time to go clean up now...

  4. #44
    oh mwan way to steal my thread and make my car look so crap ohwell those pics inspirer me, just btw i found a fox gte/gt club that has tones of beautys

    ne suggestion with the direction on my car, was gonna go same colour but a respray, and eventually bbs wheels (uni student atm) so there not a huge amount of income, but everything i earn goes straight into the pit! ha ha so worth it.

    the site is
    Last edited by Nick_80; 22-11-2007 at 06:30 AM.

  5. #45
    Twistnwrenches Guest

    Just wonderful

    Hi Nic,
    Very nice car you have there. treat it well and it will run forever. by the pics I have seen it looks like you are doing just that.
    I don't mean to intrude on your thread, but I had to start somewhere as I just registered.
    Checking you guys (blokes) out from the USA here.
    I remember the old Audi's very well. In fact I had quite a fuss over an old 100 that I had to re install the engine and gearbox in that I had not removed! Damn that was back in 1971 I thinking so it had to be a late 60's model. Inboard calipers and discs not out on the wheel axle.
    I know many of the model numbers and names were different here verses the "Euro" models and I suspect the same is true of models marketed down under.

    AUDI 100 as far as I know was just that never a VW based version of it here.
    Audi Fox also was sold as a VW Dasher (your Passat) Back in the 70's.

    I owned a 71' Dasher Wagon, it was originally diesel powered but when I bought it it had been re powered with a 1500cc carb engine. I wish I still had that one.
    It snows here, sometimes deep enough to be up to the door bottom and that car was so predictable and almost unstoppable.
    I had cut my teeth on VW typ 1 Beetles, typ2 Bus, had a Karman Ghia, and tossed in for good measure, a few two stroke (dare I mention it here) SAAB's.
    At present I own a 1989 Audi 80.
    I have the CIS injection on it, and I have got to tell you, we are mandated to fuel our cars with blended petro and 10% alcohol, and that CIS system will develop leaks because it was never intended to cope with alcohol (least the 89's). So currently I am going to attempt a carburetor conversion.
    I thought I would join this forum even though your on the other side of this planet, just to see how you blokes go about things!
    Take good care,
    Best regards,

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Melbourne VIC
    Anymore ol skool Audi's for me to drool over

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Welcome to the forum Craig (Twistnwrenches). What are you driving these days? If it's VAG ... we want pics. n:


  8. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
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    Cool audi 80 sport

    was thinking of investing in an audi 80 sport 1.8 manual. (not sure if its a gt or are they one in the same ?)
    any thoughts ???
    have found one which i am going to look at , not sure of year model.
    square shaped so pre 1989.
    Last edited by GTi Bhoy; 09-12-2007 at 09:56 PM. Reason: added a line

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    I picked up my new (12th 81') Audi 5+5 the yesterday. Great trims except one tear on back seat and cracked dash, faded paint and all I can find in that is maybe the qauter had a repair and blend paint, otherwise stock.
    $200. I couldnt be happier, Ive had one before, but this one doesnt seem to have the electrical gremlins like it did. It also hs an Audi 90 engine 2.3 litre in it.
    I have a few things to do before it gets back on the road like brakes!!!! peddle goes to the floor! all the fluids and change the little 13's on it to the 14's I have for my golf. (Hope its the same pattern!!! hahahaha)

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
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    Quote Originally Posted by GTi Bhoy View Post
    was thinking of investing in an audi 80 sport 1.8 manual. (not sure if its a gt or are they one in the same ?)
    any thoughts ???
    have found one which i am going to look at , not sure of year model.
    square shaped so pre 1989.

    If its the one on ebay, grab it it looks great.
    I`d go manual 4 cylinder fuel injected personally. Very underrated cars.
    Camden GTI Performance. VW / AUDI Specialists
    All Mechanical Work, Log book Servicing, New and used Parts and Imports
    19-20/6 Badgally Road, Campbelltown, 2560
    02 4627 3072 or 0423 051737

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