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Thread: New to Audi's and already having problems :)

  1. #1

    New to Audi's and already having problems :)

    Hello all,
    My name is David and I am from the ACT. My step father is about to give my his old audi which is stuck in 2nd gear. I am pretty sure the car is a 1996 100E with auto and V6 (front wheel drive). I have been doing a lot of reading and everything tells me that its in Limp home mode. Is this correct? Do they get "stuck" in second gear when limp mode turns on? He has spent about 2G getting the problem sortted but it has only gotten worse. The car has no power and since he bought it it has always "chewed the juice". The aircon compressor bearing "pooed" itself about 6 months ago and he has had major issues since then. He was quoted about 6G to get the box reco'ed and replaced, But even for an EURO car that sound expensive. I am not a mechanic by anymeans but I know my way around most Jap and US/OZ cars. I just have a funny feeling that if it is in limp mode and knowing that Audi's are electronic city on wheels that it may be an electrical issue.

    regards and thanks in advance.

    p.s Once I get the car hopefully today I will post up full information on the car.

  2. #2
    I forgot it add to the last post....
    The reason I want this car going is because I think they are one of the best looking cars around. Right now I own to Commodores an 1982 Auto 253 wagon and a 1993 auto 3.8 wagon. I only own dunnydores because they are so CHEAP and EASY to fix.. But they both look so old against the Audi. I have never driven the Audi when it was running/driving right but once i get my hand on it .. lets see what happens.. Also does any body know wheres a good site to look for some pictures of 100's? I have searched a few forums but they are always the much older mid 80's shape.. there just not my cup of tea if you know what I mean!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Camden, Sydney
    Users Country Flag
    If its a 1996 its a rare model in Australia and the auto box is the achillies heel of the car.

    The 5 cylinder 2.3L cars are more common and all break autos pretty frequently.

    I would get a VW specialist to put it on their diagnostic machine (vag com) and find out what the auto is doing. A replacement auto would cost less than $6k, but may not last forever and be hard to source.

    I`d probably source a munual box overseas and convert it, but I`m a Loon!
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  4. #4
    syncro Guest
    It's probably a '94 which was the last year that the 100s were made.

    They sold 113 that year and all autos.
    Last edited by syncro; 22-04-2007 at 05:10 PM.

  5. #5
    Hello again!
    I just picked the car up (about 10 minutes ago) and while driving it home it did the following, drove fine at first seemed to change up to 3rd gear, the i took a sharp right turn box seemed to slip ( car rev'ed to 3Grand and went no where I backed off it jumped in to gear and got going again but seemed to be stuck in second. I then slowed down and changed the gear stick to 3rd no change still was reving @ 3grand @ 60kph then changed to second still the same. I slowed down to about 10kph and i changed it in to first and it changed down. I put the stick back in to drive and accelerated to 60kph. it changed gear once but again went to 3 grand at 60kph and stayed there I then took it to 4 grand and it still stayed in second. If any body has any ideas please let me know. I have found a second hand box for under $2000 but I would rather try to sort out if the box is really the issue. My VP commodore did a similar thing and the mechanics changed a solenoid and it was fixed.
    thanks in advance.
    It turns out the car is a 100E feb 94 .
    ( My wife has not even driven it yet and she has already stolen it from me... )

    I forgot to ask , what tranny fluid does this use? is it just normal ATF? or is it special? and what the proper way to check the ATF fluid in an audi?
    Last edited by dysolve; 06-06-2007 at 07:59 PM. Reason: i forgot something!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Melbourne, Mexico
    Users Country Flag
    I reckon there'll be a dipstick under the bonnet somewhere. not sure on the fluid but someone will know. Maybe have a look in the handbook or just got to Repco or whoever and check in the applications book for oils.

    Some friends of ours had a dying Mazda 323 and all it needed was to put ATF in faster than it leaked out and it runs like a good un now.


  7. #7
    gpk_gti Guest
    i had a 95 a6,,,no dipstick,has to be jacked on one side,undo the bolt on side of gearbox and fluid checked.well thats what they told me.has to be a certain angle.

    dont forget this car was worth new approx $ parts are accordingly advice to you is to ditch the car,sounds like its more trouble than its worth.
    Last edited by gpk_gti; 06-06-2007 at 08:35 PM.

  8. #8
    no dip stick in car just a stupid cap thing but the oil i got out was nice and brown and felt like water, so i will do a complete oil change this weekend and see how it goes. I took it for a good drive just then and found after a few minutes of driving it gets stuck in 2nd gear but if i turn it off it starts in 1st and if i get it to change up quick enough it will get stuck in a different gear, turning sharp corners makes it "slip" out of gear and then it will jump back in to second and get going again.

  9. #9
    syncro Guest

    Be careful what auto transmission fluid that you use as most euro cars need special fluid that can only be bought from a dealer (or VAG specialist). Check in the owners manual. Stay away from Repco, Auto One etc.


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