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Thread: Just bought a nice condition A3 1.8T MY99

  1. #11


    After a few beers down at the Quay tonight I've decided its going to be an Ebay build, just for a laugh. With a TFSI I don't think I could get away with it but with this one I reckon it might just work they've been around long enough... meh why not

    silicone hose kit, in black for stealth everything
    Dump-pipe, still undecided which dodgy type
    rear muffler, I think it will have to a be name brand for a nice sound. I can't stand crap
    K04, a $350 limit here so yep that means Chinese
    Exhaust headers/manifold,

    dump valve
    fuel pump

    Anything else worth while let me know

    Last edited by parso_rex; 01-04-2010 at 10:16 PM.

  2. #12
    On the remap side of things, The more I read into it the more I think this is an ECU out job. I've found my 'genius' doesn't support the 3.8 ME and nor does any other tool I can find out there.
    Could be a bit if a PIA. If thats the case I'll get a socket and a couple of chips for future revisions

  3. #13
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    i watch with interest

    budget build ftw!
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  4. #14
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    Good luck with it!

    Maybe you should budget a new gearbox as Golf/A3 gearboxes become weak after chipping etc.

    When mine blew i put in an LSD which is needed being FWD and all.

    I miss my A3 it was a great fun little car!
    2009 Volkswagen R36 Wagon
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    1966 Volkswagen Beetle Deluxe

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-1.8T View Post
    Good luck with it!

    Maybe you should budget a new gearbox as Golf/A3 gearboxes become weak after chipping etc.

    When mine blew i put in an LSD which is needed being FWD and all.

    I miss my A3 it was a great fun little car!
    Damn, I hadn't even considered that issue. I'm thinking at this stage the maximum will be just a K04 (clone) bigger injectors exhaust and remap maybe It will last, I've always been mechanically sympathetic toward my drivetrains.
    I don't intend keeping the car too long, certainly its great to have while I"m selling my STI and also good to have as a loan car if need be. The idea is this car will let me get across a few things that I need to learn with regards to tuning them (1.8T's). After this I move on to the TFSI's. I'm still undecided about an S3 or an R so this one gives me some time to think about it. I drove a few of these years ago at a couple of Audi drive days and they were pretty good, S3's were a lot better of course.

    It looks like there are a few variants of the ECU used in these too. Both PSOP 44pin and the PLCC 44 pin. So theres 3 physically different ECUs used all up, thats ignoring the various ones of each type.
    I wish it was just ME7, it would be so much easier.

  6. #16
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    I had 165KWatw of my A3 with the JBS04 fitted. I was running a solid flywheel and clutch to suit. It was far from a handful to drive with 225 tyres on 16 inch TT rims. I am not convinced that an LSD is a must have??


  7. #17
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    Im not saying that an LSD is a must have but the gearboxes crap themselves after being chipped. There are 10 people that i know on vww and vortex who have had chipped 1.8T's in either Golf, A3's or TT fwd's. Just be wary of the gearbox/CV's and you should be fine.
    2009 Volkswagen R36 Wagon
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  8. #18
    did the other ones die after the fitment of the LSD or it didn't matter. I really thought being FWD you have a bit of a fuse so to speak with the front tyres breaking traction before damage occurs, obviously its not the case

  9. #19
    OK the early 97/98 A3 1.8Ts have the Bosch Motronic 3.82 ECU's with DIL 40 or PLCC 44 pin Eproms/eeproms, these have a socket

    The later A3 1.8T's have a Bosch Motronic 3.83 ECU with a PSOP 44 pin eeprom. (29F200 2Mbit)
    Its seems that I have one of these suckers. Its the hardest of the lot - Tops !!!!!!!

    The last A3's had the Bosch ME7 ECU
    Last edited by parso_rex; 05-04-2010 at 06:42 AM.

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by parso_rex View Post
    did the other ones die after the fitment of the LSD or it didn't matter. I really thought being FWD you have a bit of a fuse so to speak with the front tyres breaking traction before damage occurs, obviously its not the case
    No all these gearboxes are original oem gearboxes. People fitted LSD's after they blew while the gearboxes were apart getting repaired.

    I bought my 99 A3 Turbo with 20,000kms got it worked with various mods at around 35,000kms and gearbox blew at 95,000kms. A lot of the other guys had similar stories to me.

    But yeah I was like you that with wheel spin it shouldnt put too much strain on them but it did.

    Maybe start a poll in the Mk4 forum if you are really worried.
    2009 Volkswagen R36 Wagon
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