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Thread: Heater Matrix replacement

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Melbourne, Mexico
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    Heater Matrix replacement

    Just been to look at a 1990 2 litre manual 80 which has a duff matrix. One of the pipes has split going into the firewall. The question is, is this a dash out job to sort once I have got another matrix?

    In the short term obviously I could just link the 2 hoses together.

    Anyone done a replacement before?


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Camden, Sydney
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    Ive taken one of those dashes out. I reckon youd have to to take the matrix out. I think I still have the heater box and a/c section downstairs, I`ll check it out for you.
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  3. #3
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    Thanks Matt.

    It was really hard to get moving, not willing to rev, I wondered if it was due to the water level being really low? The ECU not getting a valid water temp and causing it to run badly.... Once moving it was OK.

    If you imagine trying to set off in 3rd slipping the clutch, it was just bogging down.

    I haven't bid him a price yet as I don't want to have it sat around broken. I'd rather pay a bit extra and have him sort it out first.

    ANy ideas?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Melbourne - Greensborough
    My brother bought a Audi 80 V6 with a busted rack. It sat around work for a year or so until i decided to do the rack, I thought while doing the rack that this has to be one of the the second hardest job to do on the car, the first being a heator core (In my opinion). Anyway while bleeding up the power steering fluid both the heator core hoses snapped off, I was sooooo pissed off and ended up makin my brother do the job who is 17 and never touched a car before. He ended up doing it all in a weekend, and done a better job than a certain radiator joint up the road (we had to fix one of there heator core stuff ups). Sorry to bore you all lol.
    MK4 GTI (KO4, GIAC)
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  5. #5
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    I don't have a problem doing the matrix. I have done them in the past on a few mk2s and my syncro Passat. It's just good to know up front it's going to be all day.

    I certainly won't be leaving it, if I buy the car, as it's chuffing cold in SA in winter........


  6. #6
    Allow about 6 hours & a chiropractic visit each way to replace the heater core. There are a couple of hidden, little tricky 6mm bolts through the firewall, but other than that it just takes time.....

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ta for the advice. I work on GA so get in plenty of tough positions daily. Not had many back problems since I started working for a living again.


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