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Thread: The Esh3 (adlays)

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Inner West, NSW
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanPGonzaga View Post
    didn't have a drift/punch handy!?
    that's what i ended up using LOL
    I was using a really thin chisel to open it up then attempting to jam a larger one to no avail. Then the next attempt was using the jack on the top of the rotor and jacking it up against the bottom of the spring perch to slide it out of the collar - that worked but the angles were difficult lol.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Inner West, NSW
    Users Country Flag Thread Starter

    Not much happening with the S3 as of late, just a bit of maintenance here and there.
    Was having an issue with my traction control light automatically coming on when I started the car, after replacing the CV's and after scanning the car, I couldn't find what the cause was. After a few weeks it disappeared and the ESP/TC started to work as normal.

    Yesterday morning on my way to work though I noticed there was a massive puddle under the car. Had my old man take it to the mechanic and it turns out my auxiliary water pump blew up - have had it fixed and she runs sweet now.

    Also managed to snag some new D2S bulbs so I'll be installing those over the weekend.

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