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Thread: Buying an A4

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Gold Coast
    Users Country Flag

    Buying an A4


    I am looking at buying a first gen Audi A4 to replace my daily (don't ask!). Seen a few around varying in price and spec. Ideally i am looking for a 1.8t. What should i look out for? Got a budget of around $10000 plus mods (so 7-8k for car 2-3k for mods)

    In terms of modding it (can't leave it standard!!!) i am looking to lower it and put on some rims. I fancy putting 16" borbet A's on it but dunno if they will fit.

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Users Country Flag

    auctions, auctions, auctions

    B6 A4's are going for around 12-14, B5's anything upwards of 6, around 10 for a quattro. Spend your time looking at those and its amazing what you can find, a member on this forum just recently picked up a mildy damages audi S2 for less than a reasonable mk3 golf. I recently saw a nice V5 B5.5 passat go for 8k.

    Check out these two for auctions in your local area.


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