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Thread: Busy arvo in my Garage. FMIC/fuel pump content

  1. #21
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    Had the S3 on stands since monday night, I lent out my wheels to a mate so he could get a roadworthy

    While it was off the ground, I thought I'd do an oil change, it's been in there a while and probably done 3 lots of Happy Laps. I also decided to do a brake fluid change.

    The car had a bit of a miss at Lakeside and also under a big load on the road. I dropped in a new set of plugs, BKR7Es. For curiosity's sake I fitted a set of push on coilpacks. They started and ran nicely. I think I might make that a permanent fit in the future with a set of hold down clamps.

    Again, I am embarrassed to say the fluid has been in there too long! I think it was done when I first bought it nearly 4 years ago. Bought some Castrol stuff from Supercheap.

    I emptied the reservoir with a syringe and then hooked up my shiny new vacuum bleeder. Also did the clutch fluid as well seeing as that didn't get done last time.

    Last job before dropping it off stands was to blow a bit of black high temp paint on the calipers all round..

  2. #22
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    Jeez gav, that is a massive hole in the piping, glad you got it all sorted.

    I am getting some proper brkae fluid put in as part of my service this year, will be interesting to see how it affects the brakes at the happy laps.

    tempted to paint my calipers blue to match the bodywork!

  3. #23
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    So if you refer back to my previous post about fitting push on coilpacks and fitting some permanently soon.

    Well today on the ride home from work the S3 developed a miss, I thought it unlikely to be the plugs and found a bung coilpack. So the pushons came out of the cupboard and they are now staying in.

    Need to get some clamps or swap the cam cover for a spare Polo one, so they stay in place properly.


  4. #24
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    nice work mate, need to have natter with you regarding this mod for the a3. want to see if you reckon it will add any value or if its worth it depending on the price.

    would be good to catch up next week when i'm back. see how busy you are and if i have the time, i will be busy moving out...

  5. #25
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    That front mount install looks great! do you have any details on teh size of it

    Looks like you can keep the fog lights with it installed

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by 14nce View Post
    That front mount install looks great! do you have any details on teh size of it

    Looks like you can keep the fog lights with it installed
    I think there's dimensions earlier in the thread? The pipe work is too big to keep the fogs. If you went down a size, they'd just about be ok.


  7. #27
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    Happy Laps tomorrow and the S3 due an oil change in less than 2000km. It really needed doing and also been getting a bit of timing pulled, which I suspect is the plugs. That's the thing with BKR7Es I have found, run them until they miss then fit new ones. They go over 10000km and cost about a tenner from ECS. Not an expensive item.

    The gaps on the ones fitted had opened up to about 37 thou and new ones are set to 35 thou. I tightened that to 32 just to see if they last a bit longer.

    Dropped the oil and changed the filter.

    I had replaced the bolt down coilpacks, a while ago and painted up a spare Polo cam cover to fit with the push ons. I chucked that on today as well.

  8. #28
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    looking tidy, enjoy the happy laps while i'm at work nursing a hangover...

    ps ecs parts should be here soon if you can give me a yell when they land please. i'm going to fit the filter and throttle pipe next weekend and was then planning a run over to yours so you can take the vehicle data if thats cool.

  9. #29
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    Will be straight on the txt mate. We are off to the GC Tuesday and Wednesday. I wonder if they be around then?


  10. #30
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    The S3 has had a bit of a wander at the front for a little while. I couldn't put my finger on it from inside the car. I was thinking about bearings and steering racks.

    When I got it in the garage, there was a clunking when shoving on the top of the left front wheel. After jacking it up, I found that the bottom ball joint was shot. The rubber boot was split and it was flogged right out.

    As luck would have it, I am a hoarder and had one in my cupboard. Bolted in and hopefully it'll drive straight without an alignment.

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