I've driven both the current A4 and A6 lately - both nice cars - but I must admit I'm no fan at all of their driver footwells. The A4 in particular has a restrictive footwell space that makes resting you leg awkward and the A6 has a slightly cramped footwell as well.
The curvy footwell looks nice, but I think this is a case of style over practicality. I missed the space to rest my accelerator foot, and certainly found my left foot hunting for somewhere to be comfortable.
It may sound like a small thing, but it is something that would put me off ever buying one of the current models.
2013 CC 130TDI Night Blue Metallic with Driver Assistance Package, Park Assist 2, Walnut Trim and Ambient Lighting, Front Active Climate Control Seats, Towbar, and Dynaudio Premium Audio.
My previous ride - 2005 Golf Comfortline DSG 2.0 TDI