I shall take a video tomorrow morning if I remember to.
I'll put it on youtube tomorrow evening when I get back from Archery!
So I'm more bored then what I thought I would be... Gonna go for a quick drive to get some footage.
I figure it'll be easier to see the dash lit up now anyway.
Here we go, harder then what you think to drive with a phone in one hand!
As you can see putting it in gear makes it rev to around 1,500RPM and then it sort of "seeks" or stalls when I take my foot off the throttle.
Once it warms up however.. (Notice the temperature gauge)
It still does the "seeking" think when it's started to get warm but it's less and less jumpy the warmer it gets, stopping altogether at ~90c.
EDIT: Just realized I missed the main part! Doh' must have turned the recording off...
I'll grab that bit tomorrow before I leave. You can still get an understanding from those two videos to an extent.