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Thread: A4 B8.5 1.8T S-line issue

  1. #11
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    Brad, yea wheel alignment done prior to service to see if that would fix it. Also air pressures always 48 and equal. Tyres are from new but only has 25,000 kms on them and worn evenly and not due to change yet.

  2. #12
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    48psi? WTF? Where did you get that specification from?

    What does the decal inside the filler cap say (photo would be good). If it's a quattro on 18s then 42psi. FWD then 38psi.

    Just because an alignment has been done, doesn't mean it's done properly & by somebody that has a clue. That's why I'm suggesting a particular specialist rather than a numpty at a dealer.

    Also, that's why I asked for the figures it was set to.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

  3. #13
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    I meant 38

  4. #14
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    Hmmmm.... strange this. I am having the exact same problem on my B8.5 2.0 TFSI S-line.

    I've only had mine for 3 weeks, its a 2013 with 7000km and has the exact same characteristics. I have just been in battle with Audi Center Hobart and they claim to know nothing about such a problem BUT when you search "2013 Audi A4 Steering problems" it is all over the USA. I haven't checked on any euro forums yet.

    I've had my alignment done 3 times and the final one was by the dealer on their supposed "flash bang alignment machine" which they only use for special cases at $300 an alignment..... Each time it has got slightly better but now they have washed their hands of it saying its all within factory specs. Yet it is still not right, better but not right. Heck its only got 7000km its barely run in.

    They have also tried to treat me like a layman idiot by giving me the standard brush off lines but Im not accepting it. They've told me its cos of the 19" wheels and wider section tyres. I told them, BULL, I had a CC 3.6 4motion that ran 19s on a 245 and that didn't do it on the same roads. They've told me its the condition of the roads.... Again BULL cos the roads have not degraded that fast since I had my CC (2yrs ago) and also why does it happen on the highway..... and so on and so on.

    The US sites refer to it as a notchy steering (see youtube vids) and seem to think the electric steering interaction is the problem. Audizine forum in some posts say it has been acknowledged by Audi US. I don't know if those are built to different specs in a different factory etc.

    When I told my local DP this they denied ever having heard of such an issue. My problem is that I don't trust Audi anymore after the initial 2.0 valvelift oil consumption issues and how Audi Australia treated me. It wouldn't surprise me if they were covering something up, after all the B8.5 was meant to be a product improvement series where they had cured all the issues of the past (oil consumption included). How embarrassing if they now have a steering problem.

    Actually on that topic, Boon, what is your oil cons like? Mine seems high-ish... I reckon I'm going to be 1 litre in 3000-4000km. Better than B8 but still high by my account.

    Anyway the fight goes on and I will keep you posted on developments from my side.

  5. #15
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    CCAMO, I've given up on Audi and am unlikely to own another one of their cars again. Unfortunately i'm on a lease and will be costly for me to get out off but it's at the point that I might be happy to take that hit and have something I enjoy driving and be safe.

    Consumption is ok ranging about 7's for highway driving and 9 around the city.

    I checked out the new jetta 155tsi highline and it definitely doesn't look as sexy as the a4 with the s-line but man is it heaps better in handling and performance.

    I am kinda puzzled at why the VW and skoda cars don't have this issue. I reckon it's a faulty electronic steering design
    Last edited by Boon; 24-06-2015 at 11:00 AM.

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    I'd really love to see what alignment settings they are using.

    $300 / alignment? LOL.
    carandimage The place where Off-Topic is On-Topic
    I used to think I was anal-retentive until I started getting involved in car forums

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