Hi Everyone,

My car has spat the dummy and started throwing up all sorts of errors.

Most frequent are,

- Gearbox Malfunction
- Park brake (With cross through it)
- Air suspension (Ride height stays from what I notice, but ride becomes hard)
- Engine Warning light
- Coil warning light
- Light level malfunction
- TCMS malfunction
- ECS malfunction

THis also leads to the engine loosing power and the car pops out of gear.

I have pulled over, turned the car off and on again and then it has resumed the drive, with either only one or two of the above returning, on occassion, or all returning.

Upon this happening yesterday, I replaced the battery at work, with the hope of clearing the faults, to no result.

Has anyone come across this?

I should note that I was able to drive the car home, with most of the issues dissapearing, however, only the engine light on and a "gearbox malfunction - you can continue to drive the car message.
The car drove under normal power once it got to this stage with no other noticeble issues.

Help would be appreciated.