Hey guys
$3000 - $4500 for the sat/nav - phewww
Wai, I can see why you went with ANS-610
Saw on another post where they did a bulk purchase and from memory it was under $600
You don't mind missing out on a couple of features for that price
As I mentioned, this will probably be our last new car so we sort of just looked at what we wanted
and I'm sick of the Navig8r being stuck on the screen - magic unit and very well supported
but decided to splash out and have it all nicely fitted - the other add ons are really just a bonus
Like the sound system - it is great
We looked at the all up drive away price - we were looking at the demo unit until we found the super special in Sydney for the same price as the demo and Bryan Bryt agreed to match it. That's when it went belly up when they tried to save a few bucks. But all along the salesman, Michael, I think, kept saying "no problem if it isn't already fitted, we will swap one from another car and it will be the same as factory fitted". So that was what I was expecting but sadly didn't get.
Thanks for the heads up on the hard disk speed
I have ordered an 8gig sd card on Ebay and will this will hold all the music I could ever want
In passing, I found a 2gig USB memory stick was slower than the SD card -
By slower I mean the time it takes to register and fire up when I start the car
When I remember, I switch it over to the radio before I turn it off, then it fires up much quicker
I hope I don't get flamed for hijacking this thread