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Thread: Two Minds get a 103tdi now or wait for new one.

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryeman View Post
    Thanks CS,
    So what can be done about the dull DRLs, the specs in the hand book mean nothing to me at this stage.
    Reg papers say 2014 Skoda build plate 1/2012 which begs the ? how do they store them to avoid bore corrosion etc?
    You could replace the bulbs with a higher performance version of the same wattage . If there's an LED version available I would be interested.

    They all seem to have been built Jan and Feb 2012. There should be a sheet showing the battery has been charged every couple of months but apart from that it seems they've just been stored somewhere. Hopefully inside and not outside under cover? No wonder they are nearly all the same spec, Skoda Oz must have bought a job lot at a discount.

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by CardinalSin View Post
    I was warned by a Skoda service advisor not to change the oil until 15,000km because it could and probably would, cause high oil consumption. He claimed the oil from the factory is a different spec to allow running in and the fully synthetic oil would interfere with that. He also said expect it to use some oil at about 8,000km but that will stop by about 12,000km.

    It sounds wrong to me for several reasons but that's what I was told.
    Ah... another retelling of the old urban legend of the mythical break-in oil.
    I changed mine at 1500km, and it didn't blow up, or start consuming oil. Those cars have been sitting for a long time, changing the oil in them is a good idea in my opinion (change is due at 15,000km or 12 months...these are 24 months old).

    I think it might be wishful thinking to believe they were stored indoors or under cover.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copperhead View Post
    Ah... another retelling of the old urban legend of the mythical break-in oil.
    I changed mine at 1500km, and it didn't blow up, or start consuming oil. Those cars have been sitting for a long time, changing the oil in them is a good idea in my opinion (change is due at 15,000km or 12 months...these are 24 months old).

    I think it might be wishful thinking to believe they were stored indoors or under cover.
    Exactly my thoughts.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Copperhead View Post
    Ah... another retelling of the old urban legend of the mythical break-in oil.
    I changed mine at 1500km, and it didn't blow up, or start consuming oil. Those cars have been sitting for a long time, changing the oil in them is a good idea in my opinion (change is due at 15,000km or 12 months...these are 24 months old).

    I think it might be wishful thinking to believe they were stored indoors or under cover.
    You have to wonder why Skoda service would make it up and then use it to stop a sale from the parts department?

    As I said, it sounds wrong to me too and I went ahead later and bought a genuine filter and some oil to 504/507 spec.
    My rings were bedded in within 100km.

    I hate to think where these cars were stored in Europe, the dealer said they were about a year old when they arrived here. To Adelaide I think? Then on the train across to WA and elsewhere, hopefully into a shed at that stage.

  5. #45
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    I would think they must have been stored under cover simply because the clear coat would have been 'etched' from atmospheric contaminants and would be v labour intensive to bring to the immaculate state that mine is in having examined it in full sun. There is no sign of it being 2 years old from a visual inspection.
    I had a 1 yr old 'new' pulsar which was clearly etched on subsequent close examination.

  6. #46
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    Jan 2014
    I had to claybar mine to get rid of the contaminants.
    I washed and waxed it twice but it wasn't silky smooth to the touch, particularly the roof. Now it is and I understand what the clay does instead of thinking it was it was some pointless geek cleaning fantasy.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by CardinalSin View Post
    I had to claybar mine to get rid of the contaminants.
    I washed and waxed it twice but it wasn't silky smooth to the touch, particularly the roof. Now it is and I understand what the clay does instead of thinking it was it was some pointless geek cleaning fantasy.
    Im lucky it seems as there's not the slightest sign of 'restoration' of the paint.......if there's bore corrosion it won't take long for the rings to bed in
    The hand book tells me nothing about the DRL globe that makes sense but compared to the ones I replaced my Falcon's fog lights with, they are a dull almost pale yellow in comparison. But not sure if there are CAN issues to consider also.

  8. #48
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    What oil does Skoda use for the Yeti?

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonba View Post
    What oil does Skoda use for the Yeti?
    Why you need to use 504/507 oils in FSI/TSI/TDI engines!

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryeman View Post
    Thanks CS,
    So what can be done about the dull DRLs, the specs in the hand book mean nothing to me at this stage.
    Here's some posts on upgrading the DRL's.

    Change to DRL LED bulbs - Skoda Yeti Forums - Page 1
    Last edited by CardinalSin; 16-02-2014 at 07:36 PM. Reason: Drrr!

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